Back home taking a break

Back home taking a break from reading and studying. I just realize that I have a shit load of papers due soon. Go figure. Anyway, I found my id and cards, but I don’t feel like shopping tonight I think that it will just have to wait until this weekend. I might go and do some laundry tonight. I have to find out just how much money I have on my card. I think I only have $5, but I am not sure. That might be enough to get the job done.
I am amazed that I can’t keep my room clean this semester. It’s not a disaster area, but I would like the room a little cleaner. I also need to get the pictures up on the ceiling before the new roommate moves in. I think that I have enough to do the ceiling in a checkered pattern.
I am feeling really dirty from work, so I think that I will go and take a shower before I do some more studying.
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