Daily Archives: April 5, 2003

Quote of the night

“Until you’ve eaten enough pussy to where you sprout your own, you shouldn’t argue mind games with a woman.”
courtesy of Something Positive
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I won the warehouse pool!!! Of course it’s just $15, but hey, it’s $15 more than I just had.
Actually, it’s pretty sad, cause none of the teams that we picked are in the championship. I just needed Syracuse to win to keep Mark from getting more points (He picked Texas in the championship game).
In other news, I just played my first win game in Mechwarrior 4. This was the first game that I had more kills than deaths….And of course, when I had to reinstall MW4, I forgot to tell it to record my stats. AARRRGGHH!!!! I was doing so well this week too.
Decision time: Do I want to work on the website or do I want to take pictures. Pictures would look better in the daytime with more lighting, but will the balloons hold up that long. Hmmm. Think that I am going to take that chance and work on Moveable Type and the site. Mike still hasn’t shown up yet. I wonder if he had to work or if he is out with his friends. Or he could have been in the library all day.
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Not a happy camper

Will have to have another talk with Mike about dishes. Earlier, I went to get my knife to eat and it was just filthy. Going to ask him to wash all of my dishes over again. Will probably have to talk about the whole chore thing too. I was late in cleaning the bathroom last month, but I was out of town for most of it. And he wants to get a third roommate? If that roommate is as messy as Mike, I will be in real trouble.
Still no idea on what I want to do with the balloons. I’m hoping that they stay alive at least until tomorrow so that I will have some sunlight that I can shoot with. Speaking of sunlight, need to remember to set the clocks ahead tonight.
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webcam is on. taking a

webcam is on. taking a nap with my balloons.
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This is how cheap I work….

I worked 6 hours and all I got were these balloons...
Yeah, so I was taking a break with Monica and Nadja and I hear this popping. I turn around and this lady is popping the balloons (I just realize she was the advisor that I saw at Solano that told me that I could get into SF State.) Anyway, I knew that I had to rescue them from her right away.
So I’m done with work and home now, but I am exhausted. It’s a different kind of tiredness though. Not the lifting heavy things at the warehouse tired, but the retail, dealing with customers and folding clothes tired. So I’m going to take a nap and then hopefully come up with a photo shoot using the balloons.
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**sigh** not a bad hour

**sigh** not a bad hour or so of Mechwarrior 4. Still, it’s like I can never win in the rooms. If I shoot at the legs, I’m a cheater. If I aim at a missile rack, I’m a cheater. If I help kill someone, I’m a cheater. If I stand still, I’m somehow cheating (Sorry that you computer is lagging so bad buddy). Still I know that I am improving. My problem is that I want to play Mechwarrior like I was playing X-Wing or TIE fighter. God, I was so good at those games. Anyway, it’s 12:30 and I have to work tomorrow. Blah. No Bollywood TV on Ch.26 for me tomorrow.
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