Monthly Archives: October 2003

.Brain Tumor

I know not funny, but maybe I do have a brain tumor of some kind. Perhaps too many falls on my soft spot damaged something up there and there is a lump or something. It would explain the headache I’ve been having today. Or not.
I really need to finish the site this week. I just spend all of this time taking little baby steps on it when I should be making grand sweeping changes to it. Well, still pushing for a Nov. 1 reopen. Need to send all of my old LJ entries out so that I can get them converted.
Is there a client that allows you to post to LJ and MT? Something to look into…

.Monday Headaches

Man, I have this headache that just won’t quit. Don’t think it is related to the alcohol consumed at the Ren Faire. I’m pretty sure it had to do something with my sleeping habits. The bed was messed up, and I’m sure that I
slept on something, like my keys or remote. Woke up several times, once because of Keisha, the second was when I imagined that there were ants crawling on my bed.

**sigh** Speaking of Keisha, Barbara is putting her to sleep today. Keisha was a pretty old cat (17 years, I think) and she had her problems. On Sat night, I caught her down the street meowing loudly. It was semi-suspicious cause she looked like she was ready to go into the street and just lay down. Anyway, it’s probably best for her so she doesn’t suffer anymore.

I have to go shopping after work today and see how much I can stretch the money that I have for food. I have to save money for gas to goto Vacaville this weekend and for dessert. I have an idea on what I want to bring, and if I had the time I would make it myself. Unfortunately, I don’t have the right molds for this, so I will have to buy it. It’s going to be expensive; $35 for a 10″ round and I might have to buy two. I guess I should sent a email to see what flavor of cake people want. I know that Kurt is allergic/doesn’t like chocolate. God, if I get this I can’t wait to take a picture of it. It will def. cement my title has dirty Uncle Joe.

.Fucked up this weekend

There are so many ways that I fucked up this weekend. I mean, every thing that I did this weekend, it seems like I should have done the opposite. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Of course, it sucks that I realize this at 8:53pm on Sunday night. **smacks head**

.Renaissance Faire Realizations

*If you don’t have a costume or can’t afford to rent one, wearing a unique
T-shirt (i.e. my Mind The Gap shirt) is the next best thing.

*If you are in a foul mood going into the Faire, have a couple of drinks and then sit in the sun for a bit. You’ll be charming the ladies in no time.

*No matter how much you hate the fucking bastard in front of you or where ever you see him, it’s not a good idea to go around giving him dirty looks behind his back or stalking him. Just a waste of time and energy…unless you are going to kill him, of course.

*I get bitter when I’m in my hung-over phase of drinking. Like snippy bitter…

*I am going to spend the time between this faire and next practicing playing Jenga, so next year I can come to faire, challenge, and destroy all who stand in my way.

*Women want a guy who doesn’t play games with them, and who calls them when they say they will.

*Suzanne is even more beautiful than ever and I am still in love with her,

LJ match compatibility/sex compatibility tests

Posting it here also cause it looks wierd on my journal….

How sexually compatible with me are you?
Take the NEW sexual compatibility quiz at LJMatch!

How compatible with me are YOU?

Such the sheep, am I….

.The boobs help ease the pain. Alot

So I took Peter, Mark and myself to Hooters for lunch. We met Peter’s roommate Brad there also. **sigh** The food ranged from great (the huge cup of soda that they had), alright (the cheeseburger and the beer), and bad (the non hot chicken wings). And the bill for this was outrageous. I mean I know that it is a tourist trap and prices are jacked up, but I wasn’t expecting it to be That High. Still, the hooters and orange short shorts helped ease the pain.

**side note** there was one girl there that had a little more pudge showing that what I would have liked to have seen. It’s kinda hard to explain, and I wasn’t every girl to be big
bosomed, long legged, anorexic skinny, and blonde. However I think that this girl…well, like I said, too much pudge showing.

Anyway, I’m still going to the Ren Faire tomorrow. However, I think that a costume will be out of the question now. 🙁 I wish that Suzanne would have made that costume that she promised me.

O.K. sleepy time. At work.

.Grey Friday

It’s a semi overcast Friday here in the city and I am still spending money.

I’m really not going to have any money to buy groceries. Starvation diet here I come.

Anyway, taking Peter and Mark to Hooters for lunch since it is Peter’s last day. I wasn’t going to go, since they didn’t use union electricians and all. But Peter wants to go…and we are not sure if Mark’s friend is working to get us into Boys Toys. It would be my luck to run into Brian while me and the guys are getting lap dances.

What I really want to do is go and see Kill Bill, Vol. 1 again. OMFG. Even if you get rid of the fight scenes, the blood, the maiming, and the killing, it is such a beautifully filmed movie. I have been watching scenes in my head all this morning and I want to talk about it to Mark and Peter so bad, but they haven’t seen it yet. Resisting urge to get broom handle and start slaughtering all of the merchandise in the warehouse.

Going to Ren Faire tomorrow, will have money for food and drinks (well, at least one drink)

Friday Five for October 17, 2003

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
1 bottle of Best Foods Mayonaise, recently opened
1 bottle of Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard, that I have had for way too long
1 package of lunchmeat unopened, turkey variety pack
1 bottle of Vlasic Dill Pickles, sandwich stackers
1 package of baby carrots opened, also have been in the fridge too long

2. Name five things in your freezer.
1 package of Tyson Chicken Patties, unopened
1 package of Safeway brand frozen vegetables, opened
1 package of ready to cook chicken pasta, can’t remember the brand
1 ice tray, with full set of ice cubes
3-4 tubes of Orange Sherbert, actually Barbara’s ice cream that she eats every day. It could be 6-7 tubs…

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
Jet Dry dish washing stuff
Dish Washer detergent, Palmolive, I think?
Cleaning supplies
more cleaning supplies
even more cleanig supplies (O.K., I’m at work. Will have to come back and fill this out.)

4. Name five things around your computer.
1 Deliver Us From Eva Magic 8 Ball
4 pictures of my brother Eric that I have yet to scan and post in my journal
2 DVD’s that I have yet to watch, Almost Famous and Bedazzled
2 Parking Tickets that I have yet to pay, one for the city and the other for the college
1 cord to my cell phone recharger, I leave my cell phone on my desk so that when the alarm goes off it makes a ton of noise to wake my ass up.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
1 tube of Rembrant Whitening Toothpaste
1 bottle of Rembrant Whitening Mouthwash
1 bottle of Rembrant Whitening Gel
1 bottle of Calvin Klein Contradiction cologne
1 Gillette Sensor Razor. I have a Mach 3 razor that I am waiting to use, however I still have blades for the Sensor that I have to finish using

.what? TWO entries at work?

Yes, I am mildly bored and un motivated. I should be working in the accounting cage and stuff. But I’m not. I should be cleaning the aisles and stuff. But I’m not. I should be in the bathroom, taking a piss. But I’m not.

Going out with Angie tonight; she is taking me out to dinner and to go see Kill Bill,
Vol 1
. I still need to repay her cousin for the bail out at the bar on Angie’s birthday.

Decided to just fuck the parking tickets and pay them later. It’ll cost more, but I will stress less about money. And I think that is what it’s all about. Not stressing over everything, just going with the flow and dealing with what life throws at you. Or something like that….

Thinking about Thanksgiving…I could just skip it and wait until Xmas to see the family. There are tons of places that I could go for Thanksgiving Dinner so I wouldn’t be alone at a Denny’s or Lyons or something. Yes, I did spend one Thanksgiving eating by myself at a Lyons. Perhaps one day, I’ll tell the tale.

Don’t know what is in the air. There is just this…blahness all around me. Just seems like alot of things that have happened to me. Not to me, but around me. Just lately, it seems. Tim is off on a family emergency; Peter is leaving. Barbara is dealing with Keisha and things, etc., etc. I’m dealing with my own lack of motivation. It’s not full blown depression, just…lack of motivation. Still, at least I have enough energy to try and get out of it, regardless of how pitiful it is.

O.K. enough blah, blah, blahing. I need to clean up and goto the store to see the boss.

.caffeine jitters

Have a slight case of the caffeine shakes going on. The Little Debbie doughnut that I had probably didn’t help either. It wasn’t a Krispy Kreme doughnut, but it was still good in its own unique way.

Have to finish paying the bills tonight. Student Loans sites were down last night. Still not sure how much money I’ll have to spend on the Ren faire. I’ll need enough for a costume and some food.

I kinda like this journaling without being seen. Messing around with the Menu script that I downloaded last night. Doesn’t seem to work with old Apple OS though. Need to goto the store today and see if it works with Safari. I might have to find another menu to use. Not too many people I know use Apples, however, I do want to be a responsible web author and have compatibility with the most…things. Man I can’t think.

Phone battery is dead. Needed to call some people. Guess it will have to wait until I get home.

O.K. Sun glare is starting to move over my monitor, which means that I should get up and do some work. 😛