Monthly Archives: October 2003

.Friday after 5pm

what the hell am I doing here after work on a Friday. Well apparently, there was another false alarm, which the boss is really going to love, since we will have to pay SFPD $100 for a false alarm call. Anyway, there is nothing wrong that I can see. Watched the security tape and nothing showed up on it. So I swept and cleaned the warehouse and am now waiting to see if there are any flies or mice around setting it off.

Tonight I go to see Tim/Mark’s championship softball game, and then go home and do some laundry. Saturday it’s off to Vacaville for party and BBQ and then the rest of the week is work, website, and fight off starvation. I think it can be done.

.No Friday Five this week…

Diligently working on the site, going through the photos and picking some out for the photo albums.

Just wondering what I was thinking with some of my clothing decisions. And hair decisions. Just sign me up for Queer Eye For the Straight Guy… right now.

.Wednesday rantings

– Eating some Tuna Helper over rice right now. It has filled me up nicely, although I think that I ate too much. I can feel my stomach expanding even as we speak. Hopefully, the hurting won’t begin until after Angel tonight.

– Also drinking flat Coke and I have a McFlurry in the freezer waiting for me (Tim won it at lunch today, and gave it to me). I know, what about my teeth.

– Barry called me from his cell phone to let me know that he finally knows how to use it. Yay!

– Have already promised 3% of my lottery winnings to Tim, Mark, and Barbara. No more, have to save the rest for myself Can’t be giving out millions to everybody.

– Sorry, Chocolate and Pineapple should never be mentioned in the same
sentence or mixed together.

– Web site is slowly coming together. Still aiming for a Nov. 1 start. Need to find a new webcam client so that I can stream video instead of the 10 sec. delay. at least have it at 5 sec.

– Got my credit report in the main. My FICO score is actually alot higher than I though it would be. It’s amazing and sad to see how I fuck myself over with credit cards. There are some accounts that I need to call and see if they were closed or not. Also need to call the credit agency to change address info.


.photos on my hard drive

Hopelessly in disarray. Really need to organize them somehow

.800×600 project

Submitted something to the 800×600 project. It turned out O.K., in it’s own right, but it may not be accepted by the 800×600 project. Also have some Mirror Project pictures to submit…

.web site progress (or what I need to get done)

Basically everything else…

The journal page is pretty much done. It’s working on the other pages that is bogging me down. I guess I can just use the old pages and transfer them over, but I wanted to rework alot of them. Part of the problem is lack of photos…or rather the photos that I want to use. The other big thing is with importing my LJ/Blurty stuff over. The scripts that I found
don’t seem to be working. When I try to import, the journal entries are blank. I wonder if I have to upgrade my MT version. Well, after a nap and watching Angel, I’ll get back to working on it.

.thinking about dinner

Thinking about what I want to have for dinner and what my teeth and stomach will handle. I def. can’t have any more of Barbara’s Coke, regardless of how tired I am. Or at the very least, drink it in one of those small Dixie cups that she uses. No, I need to try harder to drink water and not soda. I def. don’t drink has much as I used to drink. I still need to get better at drinking water.

As for dinner, I still have some hotdogs left, but I think that they are going to go into the garbage. They were so foul, and I knew it and kept on eating. Think that from now on I will save the hotdogs for Giants games (And even then, I’ll probably choose a chicken lemon herb sausage over the hot dog.) SO I can either cook chicken pasta, Tuna Pasta, or make sandwiches. The sandwiches are sounding good actually. Also have slight craving for milk, which is
weird, because I usually don’t just drink straight milk. It’s either in a bowl of cereal or with some kind of flavoring.

On other food topics, my cake has met approval from Amanda, the hostess for the Pleasure Party/BBQ. Waiting on others to let me know what cake flavors to get. I might be able to get two cakes, depending on how much they cost. Going to the bakery
tomorrow or Thursday to order. I wonder if they have samples of the fillings; I really want to try the rum filling. 🙂

.The Ren Faire…CLOSED?!?!

I read this last night and still can’t believe it

The following is from Gerald Zepeda:

Dear Guildmasters, Directors, Performers,
As you have been aware, the fate of our Northern Faire has been uncertain.
I am sad to announce that we are, indeed, closing the Northern Renaissance
Pleasure Faire. Below is a letter from our management detailing the
situation. Please know that Southern Faire will go on as planned, and that
I am continuing as Entertainment Director. I thank everyone involved in
creating our entertainment. You can be proud of the fine job you have done
and proud of the effort you exerted to make this Faire a success. The
memories of Northern Faire, including the times we shared, certainly will
live on in my heart. I am looking forward to our next meeting. I apologize
for the lack of a complete e-mail llist. Please forward this message to all
concerned parties.
Gerald Zepeda
Director of Entertainment
REC California
(408) 847-1138 ext 241

Renaissance Entertainment Corporation
Renaissance Pleasure Faire
10021 Pacheco Pass Hwy 152
Hollister, CA 95023
(408) 846-6446

Dear Faire Family,

As you are aware, we have been fighting a losing battle over the last few
years with attendance and loss of income with the Northern Renaissance
Pleasure Faire. We have had a steady decline in attendance since 1991 (with
the exception of 1994, our first year of “Farewell to Black Point”).

There is no one factor that we can isolate which has contributed to the
failing of the show. The decline began during the Patterson’s
administration and has continued through a series of General Managers who
have been unable to stop the hemorrhaging of revenues at this event.

No ad campaign nor marketing schedule, including Phyllis Patterson’s
legendary marketing skills, was able to deter the decline. Our attendance
failed long before we moved from our home in Blackpoint and has suffered
greatly while we tried to find a permanent home.

Since 1994 we have looked at over 200 sites and have spent over $500,000 in
an attempt to find a home for our Faire. Not only has a property been
impossible to find, the one exception (American Canyon) proved too costly to
make workable and the California environment regulations work against any
sincere efforts to create a business which by all accounts, “lays lightly on
the soil”.

The Northern Faire has lost $900,061 in revenues during the years 1999-2003.
Our attendance has declined 62% since 1991. The losses incurred by the
Northern Faire have placed a continual drain on our Southern, Chicago and
New York Faires, which are healthy shows and consistently create a profit.
It is unfair for these healthy shows to bear the burden on Northern’s

It, therefore, is which great sadness that we announce that we are closing
the Northern Renaissance Pleasure Faire.

We must ask that you remove all of your personal possessions from the site
by November 2nd, 2003.

As performers and entertainers the show has rested on your shoulders for
many, many seasons. Please know that this failure does not reflect upon the
amazing grace that you have given the show. We are all so appreciative of
the energy and level of entertainment that you have contributed.

The show sparkled brightly this season and it is bittersweet that even
though we have never looked or performed better, this has become our final
Huzzah. We thank all of you for your continued support through all these
past years. For as long as the show lives in our memories, it shall never
fade away.

— The staff and management of the Northern Renaissance Pleasure Faire and
Renaissance Entertainment Corporation.
Pax Smith
Don Giulio de Medici
Conte de Massa, Cavaliere Dell’Ordine de Santo Stefano
Guild San Lorenzo(rpfs)

Damn, I will never get my cloak now. I mean, that was the running gag, that I wanted to buy a cloak at the Ren Faire and that I never did. And there has always been rumours of the Ren Faire closing at one location and then opening at another location. God I can’t believe it still. My first Ren Faire, I believe that I went with Jesse Holm and friends when it was at Black Pointe in Navato. I believe that I have been to 7-8 altogether between Navato, Vacaville, and Fruita de Casa. **sigh** I looked to see where the Southern Faire is at and it is out in the middle of nowhere it seems. I know that there are some smaller faires, in Petaluma and up in Sacramento. Still the faire will be missed.

.Time for Micro$oft to pay

Got my M$ settlement paperwork in the mail today. I think that I can get almost $150 back, depending if my old MS software is still at my parents and nobody threw anything away. Let’s see:
Windows 95 – $16
Windows 98 – $16
Windows ME – $16
Windows XP Home – $16
Windows XP Pro – $16
MS Office 97 – $29
MS Office XP – $29
Two problem will be MS Office 97 and the WinXP Pro. The Office 97 was an freebie version that I got while at Solano. The WinXP Pro was a freebie that I got for doing some testing for MS.
DAMN!!!! I think that we threw away hella Win95 CD’s when we cleaned up the computer room in the old warehouse. **sigh** That would have some more to add to the pot.
Anyway, I’ll need to email Eric and see if he can get me the CD Key #’s. or I guess i can wait until I go up next month.

.pay for what you get

And boy, did I pay for buying and eating the cheap hotdogs….
Anyway, the two things that stick out of my mind are:
“I am still arrogant enough to think that all love songs are written about me…” and “How does it feel to be irrelevant? Cause that is what you are; you are completely irrelevant to her now.”
Wish I could call in sick, but Tim is at his other job today….