Vanessa at 3000 miles

She’s actually at 3300 miles. This post is a little late.

Going on five months with Vanessa the 2024 Hyundai Tucson Plug-In Hybrid. For the most part, it has been a good experience. Of course, the best part is the not having to gas up as much. I usually plug in at work 3 times a week for two hours and I good to go. Even going to San Francisco to the other site, I’m barely using any gas as it goes to hybrid mode. If Barry/Gabi had a charger at their house, it would be the same. Some issues with public chargers not working or out of order. And the good ones are coveted. I am envious of the Tesla Superchargers wishing I could use them.

Also like the height advantage. Having small cars and sedans for most of my life, it’s nice to be the same height as another SUV and can see traffic ahead. And plenty of room in the front and back and trunk. The clean air status is great, being able to drive in the carpool lanes without worrying about being pulled over.

Not all roses though. It has wireless charging along with Apple Carplay, but the Carplay is wired instead of wireless. Weird decision. There is a power issue, not that I’m OJing down the highway, but it not young Joe trying to race cars in the Mitsu Lancer. But honestly the worse thing is that Vanessa is a basic bitch. Breaking the streak of blue cars for a black was definitely a mistake. OMG did not realize how many different Black SUVs that look the same are out in the world. First month was me trying to get into cars that weren’t mine. Vanessa does have these stylist angular lines on her, but still not enough for me to tell the difference when I haven’t had coffee yet or not thinking about it. Kind of regretting not waiting for a Blue one or going for the Mitsubishi Outlander Plug-In which was the original plan.

Was worried the first month that I was just going to thrash the flooring with mud from the rains, but Eric got me all weather floor mats and the cargo cover for the back. Best present by far.

Forgot also annoyed I can’t use my phone as my key. There is an app that I can lock//unlock Vanessa with. But if you leave the keys in the car and have bad cell phone reception, you’ve just locked yourself out your car.

What else. Enjoying the trial SiriusXM, though not sure if I’m going to keep it. I just don’t commute long enough to justify it.

Main mission now is to get some accessories to make Vanessa stand out. I had these Deceptions Hub Covers but they were old, and they have already popped off (although it could have been the car wash)

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