1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
1 bottle of Best Foods Mayonaise, recently opened
1 bottle of Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard, that I have had for way too long
1 package of lunchmeat unopened, turkey variety pack
1 bottle of Vlasic Dill Pickles, sandwich stackers
1 package of baby carrots opened, also have been in the fridge too long
2. Name five things in your freezer.
1 package of Tyson Chicken Patties, unopened
1 package of Safeway brand frozen vegetables, opened
1 package of ready to cook chicken pasta, can’t remember the brand
1 ice tray, with full set of ice cubes
3-4 tubes of Orange Sherbert, actually Barbara’s ice cream that she eats every day. It could be 6-7 tubs…
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
Jet Dry dish washing stuff
Dish Washer detergent, Palmolive, I think?
Cleaning supplies
more cleaning supplies
even more cleanig supplies (O.K., I’m at work. Will have to come back and fill this out.)
4. Name five things around your computer.
1 Deliver Us From Eva Magic 8 Ball
4 pictures of my brother Eric that I have yet to scan and post in my journal
2 DVD’s that I have yet to watch, Almost Famous and Bedazzled
2 Parking Tickets that I have yet to pay, one for the city and the other for the college
1 cord to my cell phone recharger, I leave my cell phone on my desk so that when the alarm goes off it makes a ton of noise to wake my ass up.
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
1 tube of Rembrant Whitening Toothpaste
1 bottle of Rembrant Whitening Mouthwash
1 bottle of Rembrant Whitening Gel
1 bottle of Calvin Klein Contradiction cologne
1 Gillette Sensor Razor. I have a Mach 3 razor that I am waiting to use, however I still have blades for the Sensor that I have to finish using