Monthly Archives: November 2002

Took car for it’s 5,000

Took car for it’s 5,000 mile service; it’s the first one. The oil change was free, but I decided to go pay and get the tires rotated and the brakes checked anyway. Everything A-O. K. It had better be.
Went to Barnes & Nobles and applied. Also applied at Target. On the B&N application, I told themm not to call my previous employer. College bookstores managers have a fear of Barnes & Nobles. It’s not like I deal with books anyway, just merchandise. Anyway, we’ll see what happens. The only thing that I’m afraid of is that they wil call while I’m gone next week. Since no one else has called, I shouldn’t be too worried about it.
I am slightly horny right now, but I think that it might be boredom. Nothing to do. Almost beat Serious Sam again, boring. I could load Civ III and try to get into it. Or load GTA3 and try to figure out the controls and try to beat the game. I could also watch a DVD. I’ve been saving Pearl Harbor for a raining day. Could also raid the porn collection and jerk off. Wouldn’t be satifying though, plus Mike is home and that would be wierd. What I should do is something off of my To-Do List.. But that’s not going to happen tonight.
I know the one thing that I’m not going to do is sleep early. That fucked up my whole day. Think that I will get a glass of water, finish Serious Sam, watch a DVD, and maybe watch a porn before I sleep. Sounds like a plan…
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This is why waking up before double digits is bad for you….

From her website:
What can I say about Joe? I used to have a lot to say. He is wonderful and specil and beautiful and kind and smart and sexy and I love him and I let him go.
Mental note, don’t let anybody mike to come up with passwords. Totally predictable…
Anyway, it was good to goto her site, and April’s also. I’m glad that both of them seem to be doing well. The two of them are probably the closest friends that I have. They know so much about me and I have shared so much with them over time. And it’s also good to know that they have people to lean on; April has her mysterious “S” and Suzanne has all of her friends. I think the thing is that they are not afraid to goto others for help and support. Myself on the other hand, am more hesitant to open up my problems to my friends. I have done so with Lesa, Mew, and the Vacaville gang. However, I still am trying to solve these things by myself.
**side note** I miss livejournal and all of the “real” journals that were on there without stumbling over all of these “RPG” journals for Brittany, Christina, and fucking Justin Timberlake. I’m sorry for being so judgemental, but I can not for the life of me see what the appeal of it is.
Anyway, so new experiment time. No more mooning over Suzanne in this journal. I’ve probably promised this before, but I am going to try again. Granted, the reason I got this Blurty was because it was away from Livejournal and Suzanne so I could talk about her and get my thoughts out. And while there is nothing wrong with thinking and talking about Suzanne….O.K. moaning and bitching over Suzanne…, I should be using this to strenghten my writing or something. Not that I want millions of adoring fans flocking to my blurty to see my latest literary work of art. However, I do want to use this chance to explore and to expand myself. I made compromises and gave up things for my relationship with Suzanne. Now that I am free from the relational obligations, I want to try to break out of my mold a bit. So, no more Suzanne and bitching and moaning….”woe is me”, blah, blah….Hmmm….How about less Suzanne and less bitching/moaning. Anyway, like I said before, I’ve made this promise before. Hopefully, this time it will last a little longer.
Current mood: optimistic
Current music: Pink – Just Like A Pill

So in the weakness of

So in the weakness of waking up at an ungodly hour, I went and visited her live journal. And I cried. **sigh** I just need to accept the fact that she has gotten over me and is moving on with her life. And I need to do the same. Easier said than done.
April also text messaged me yesterday during my workout. I need to decide when are we going to meet for Krispy Kreme. Probably sometime after I get back from Washington. **sigh** I haven’t had a KKD in such a long time. It’s going to totally kill my diet, but it will be so worth it.
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Weird ass dream of the night….

Was working at the warehouse with a different crew. The warehouse was larger too. I guess we were getting ready for an audit or something. At one point, there was a commotion outside because the paint guys next door trash can caught on fire and we helped them put it out. So the audit committee came and it was led by Mr. Senator Feinstein and his group. They did not like what they saw at the warehouse. At one point, they wanted to look at this chocolate cherry set in a gold box that they insisted was there, but it wasn’t. So I went into my office to check on the computer, but the computer was acting up. I remember phone calls too on my cell phone. One was from Lesa; her and Kurt were in Napa and they wanted to drop by to give me back a game that I had left up there. I told her that I was busy and turned off my cell phone. There were also children running around; I think that one of them was Amber W. son, Brock. Anyway, Senator Fienstien decided he had seen enough and was leaving, and we got into an argument about how I ran the warehouse. The last thing that I remember are my two employees were coming back to the warehouse with some big orange jackets and they were dropping them on the ground and I was yelling at them. I think that they were those two black guys from that Nickelodeon show, All That or Good Burger or something. Then I was awaken out of my dream by Mike yelling out something next door. Mike talks/yells in his sleep. Gawd, I don’t know how Randy dealt with it when they shared a room back in the tower. Regardless of what happens with my living situation, I will not be sharing a room with Mike.
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Quote of the day

“Hepatitis C is effective at helping people lose weight, too, but that’s no more healthy than suggesting people should not eat a basic balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and grains,”
I don’t know, I just thought that the quote was hilarious
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Tonight is the big meteor

Tonight is the big meteor shower. 1000’s of meteors are suppose to be seen tonight. My only wish is that I wish I was out at Lake Berryessa or out on Highway 1 watching them with Suzanne.
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Workin hard for the money….

Semi busy day here at work. Spent the last hour or so rearanging the clothes aisles. And we still have more clothes to put away, but Mike forgot to pick-up the labels so that will have to wait until tomorrow. Taking a little break and then we will hit the upstairs room.
I semi-thought that Suzanne was calling me all this weekend. There was no caller ID and I semi remember that one of Suzanne’s number had caller ID blocked. And then I got a call from her house, but it was only for a sec. So today, when the phone rang, I picked it up. Turns out to be some contest that I entered. Blah, Blah, Blah. I’m assuming that Suzanne or somebody at her house auto dialed the wrong number. I almost went to her journal to see if something was wrong. Still tempted to do just that, but if she wanted to talk to me, she would have left a message.
Tomorrow is the manager’s meeting and there might be shit that is going down. We’ll see. Also trying to convert more forms from paper to electronic forms, but my OCR software sucks. I might just have to make all new forms. I’ll have to try and pick up a MS Word book to refresh my memory on forms.
I feel so much better that I have food in my system, even though I probably just gained back the pound that I lost over the weekend (I had McDonalds). I just want to get to 185 by New Years; I’lll worry about the other 10 pounds next year.
One more week and then I’ll be up in Washington for Thanksgiving. It’s always good to get away from here and to see the family. Also need to get Greyhound tickets for Xmas. Yes, I’ve resign myself to take Greyhound up to Washington for Xmas. A 24 hr trip; ugh. Just make sure that I have my batteries charged up for my MP3 player.
Current mood: content
Current music:

Today’s Horoscopes

Your desire to keep to a secure pattern puts you at risk of missing out on a career opportunity. The tried and true are a comfortable prison; break out of your ordinary routine if you want to get to the place where adventure awaits.
Your ambitions could be helped along today by a kindhearted and charismatic person from out of town, dear Taurus, or even from a foreign country. Efforts to advance yourself in just about any direction – career, financial, educational, spiritual – should be greatly assisted by a new sense of focus, and by appropriate use of your innate practical skills. You should finish the day feeling more determined, more optimistic, and more centered
Love is inevitable. Good times are the law of the land. The ground itself seems to embrace you as you walk. Friendship is priceless when it gives you the space to trust and relax.
You’re Energetic, charming, and cultural. And just wait until you see what’s coming.
Horoscopes 1 & 2 are somewhat similar, yet, I’m inclined to believe number 3 (although it really doesn’t tell me anything). Number 4 just scares me big time.
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Because somebody keeps on calling my cell phone….

Series One – About You
Name: Joseph Rogers
Birth date: April 24, 1974
Birthplace: Dunn, North Carolina
Current Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Eye Color: Black….actually, really dark brown.
Hair Color: Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Western: Taurus;Chinese: Tiger
Innie or Outtie: **Looks down** Outtie
Series Two – Describe
Your heritage: I am African American, but I claim my mom’s ethnicity (Korean). I used to say that I was part French cause of my middle name. But I don’t really know. I’m adopted by the way.
The shoes you wore today: Barefoot the entire day
Your hair: Nappy Afro in desperate need of a combing and an haircut
Your eyes: I think that I’m going blind in my right eye. Not sure though.
Your weakness?: Today’s weakness has to be my inability to pull myself out of my depression and leave my house.
Your fears: Today’s fear is me going blind in my right eye. That and that I don’t think that I will ever loose my love handles and my A-cup man boobs.
Your perfect pizza: Extra cheese, mushrooms, chicken, Italian sausage, Canadian bacon, deep dish
One thing you’d like to achieve: Figure out my purpose for living
Series Three – What Is
Your most overused phrase on AOL\aim: πŸ˜›
Your thoughts first waking up: “I gotta remember to change the alarm on my cell phone.” I get my horoscope @ 8 A.M. everyday on my cell phone.
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Usually it’s the eyes.
Your best physical features: I’ve been told it’s my facial features.
Your bedtime: 1-2 A.M.
Your greatest accomplishment: Graduating from college after MANY, MANY years.
Your best memory: The one that pops to mind is being out at Lake Berryessa on a raining night in my car with someone that I love very much.
Series Five – Do You
Smoke: No, Tried it, never got into it.
Cuss: Yeah, but not too fucking much…(J/K)
Sing well: Well, I do sing…
Take a shower everyday: Usually. Sometimes (like this weekend), I am just a dirty slob.
Want to go to college: Done it, did it, considering doing it again (either for my Master’s or a 2nd Bachelor’s)
Like high school: Eh….I liked San Leandro High School. Vacaville High Schoolwas a different story. **sigh** I guess it was O. K., just not O. K. enough for me to go to my 10 year reunion
Want to get married: Yes; not sure if it will happen though.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Mostly; I still look every once in awhile.
Believe in yourself: No, but sometimes I can fake it.
Get motion sickness: Not that I know of.
Think you’re attractive: Depends on the mood and the lighting. Although I’ve been told many a time that I should do some modeling.
Think you’re a health freak: Not a freak, per se. Although I’ve been semi-obsessing about loosing weight lately.
Get along with your parents: Yes, I love my parents.
Like thunderstorms: Love them. Too bad we don’t get that many out here
Play an instrument: Used to play the tenor sax in the 8th grade.
Series Six – In the past month, did/have you
Drank alcohol: Yes. I was babysitting and after Brock went to sleep, I had a Corona
Smoke(d): Nope, just inhaled smoke from others around me.
Done a drug: Nope
Made Out: **sigh** only in my dreams
Go on a date: Another nope
Go to the mall?: No. Usually I go to pay my Penny’s bill, but this month, I mailed it in.
Been on stage: No stage for me.
Been dumped: Yes.
Gone skating: No.
Made homemade cookies: No, but that sounds like such a good idea.
Been in love: Still am…
Gone skinny dipping: Haven’t gone skinny dipping in years, although **sniff, sniff** I could probably use a bath.
Dyed your hair: No hair dyeing.
Stolen anything: No thievery this month.
Series Seven – Have you ever
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: You mean strip poker?
If so, was it mixed company: Yeah, like duh…
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Oh yeah baby…
Been caught “doing something”: Depends on what “doing something” means?
Been called a tease: Yeah, I don’t know why…
Gotten beaten up: Not recently.
Shoplifted: Yes.
If so, did you get caught: Don’t think so…
Changed who you were to fit in: **sigh** Yes…
Series Eight – the future
Age you hope to be married:Hopefully, before I’m 40. Not holding my breath though.
Numbers and Names of Children:Wanted to have at least a daughter named Vanessa,but now, I’m not sure if I’m going to have any.
Describe your Dream Wedding: Catholic. But I think that I will save the description for another time.
What age do you want to die? Not sure…
What do you want to be when you grow up: I wish I knew….
What country would you most like to visit: Australia
Current Clothes: Black velvet sweats with white stripes with red borders running down the legs. No shirt. Going commando also.
Current Mood: Depressed, bored, weak
Current Taste: Scummy…
Current Hair: Same as above. I really do have an afro going on and it is nappy as fuck..
Current Annoyance: My roommate. Yes, def. my roommate…**sigh** he means well, I guess.
Current Smell: two day funk
Current thing you ought to be doing: Taking a shower, cleaning my room, getting on with my life.
Current Desktop Picture: Shadowfrom Sonic the Hedgehog
Current Favorite Groups: No particular favorite group right now.
Current Book: Last book was Myst: The Book of Atrus
Current DVD In Player: Harry Potter and the Soceror’s Stone.
Current Worry: Xmas. Trying to get money to visit my family and to buy presents.
Current Crush: No crushes right now…O.K. I think that Alyson Hannigan from Buffy The Vampire Slayer is hot.
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So the sun is shining

So the sun is shining through the blinds into my room. I also hear Mike moving around, probably either getting ready to go study or to see one of his family members. As for me…Laying in my messy bed, surveying my messy room. Think that I will do the same thing that I did yesterday; just waste away in my room.
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