Daily Archives: December 23, 2000

the one where he goes xmas shopping with Dad…

And it’s just not the same has going shopping with mom. Hmmm, well, I got it done, even though my card was denied (it’s a ATM/Credit Card and my paycheck hasn’t gone through the Credit Card Part.)
Anyway, it just wasn’t the same shopping…I miss shopping with her…But I’m going to resist going to her journal to read what she has to say and what other people who know nothing about our relationship.h
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The one where he is haunted by the ghost of his past…

Not necessarily the ghost of xmas past, but ghost never the less. Her spirit and the spirit of other fly in my dreams and wreck havoc over my sleep. To quote, “I am lookin’ pretty tore up.” I wonder if a witch has put a curse on me or something. Tonight, I’ll let the cats sleep with me. That is suppose to help keep bad dreams away. Of course, that’ll mean that the kittens will probably be the ones keeping me up at night too.
Well, I need to take a shower and go xmas shopping with the family….
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The one where he is tormented in his dreams….

too many thoughts on my mind…
too many thoughts of the past run through my mind…
and the doubts and fears creep back into my mind…
I welcomed the darkness has a way to cover me and to confort me…
But now, it just seems to be so empty and alone…
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