Daily Archives: December 9, 2000

Well, I’ve spent the whole

Well, I’ve spent the whole day drugged up with no noticable effect. No high or anything like the day before. And masturbation lost it’s fun a long time ago….Isn’t that a line to a song? Anyway, now I’m just sick and angry, what else is new? I guess I will take a shower and head up to Sacramento for Mew’s party. That should put me in a better mood, since I haven’t seen Mew for awhile and we got stuff to talk about.
**sigh** Let me get some food into my system and then hit the shower
Current mood: sick
Current music: Moby – Southside (the original, not the one w/ Gwen Stefani)

The one where he asks for help from the LiveJournal community……….

In search of a webcam for an iMac. Tried the kesington VideoCam, but couldn’t get it to work. All the cams that I’ve seen are only for PC, even the USB ones. Any help would be appreciated.
Current mood: sick
Current music: Watching Animal House on TNT