Daily Archives: December 7, 2000

The one where he gets ready to get on a emotional rollercoaster…

1) I still have a cold/flu
2) I still have a bastard roommate that I am so close to killing. That would really ruin my xmas
3) I have a headache
4) I am broke
5) I don’t get paid until next Thursday
6) My Wang Chung Secret Santa STILL hasn’t gotten his damn The Three Musketeers DVD.
7) I still haven’t gotten my Escaflowne DVD
8) I have a BIG ASS bottle of champagne in my frig that I have no idea what to do with.
9) I’m fat
10) I have a raging headache
11) My Sheep CD-Rom game won’t work
hmmm…..I guess it’s that time of the month for me. Great.
12) I think I hate some of my friends…..
Ok. enough PMS ranting….Nyquil and sleep. Maybe I’ll feel better tommorow…
13) Where is MY Wang Chung Secret Santa Gift
Current mood: PMS
Current music: Listening to myself coughing like a chain smoker