Monthly Archives: November 2000

call me Current mood: Current

call me
Current mood:
Current music:

The one where the computer crashes while tygreyes is working on his paper

I’m pretty proud of myself that I didn’t throw the computer out the window (BTW NO COMMENTS FROM THE MAC PEOPLE…I AM NOT IN THE MOOD)
This paper is really pissing me off. Mostly cause I think it is my crappiest paper yet. I am in the “Should I just give up and take the F” mood. I wont do it though. I have 2-3 pages done, but it is so general and incoherent in some places. I know that I can do better, but I don’t have the sources or the time to do it now. If I had spent Thanksgiving weekend in Washington with my parents, I would have gotten shit done. To many distractions here for me to get work done. NOT that I’m blaming the distractions, it’s my fault for having no self control or will power. **sigh** Well, I can either stay up now and try to work on it, or I can wait until tommorow. I’m thinking tommorow, since I think I get paid tommorow. Also I have karate for 2 hrs tommorow. Fun. Yeah, I’ve totally lost the stuff that I was working on. And I was sure that I had the auto save set for like 5 min. No more paper tonight. Looks like an all nighter tommorow if I don’t get inspired.
Current mood: aggravated
Current music: Marilyn Manson – Rock Is Dead

2 PB&J (grape) sandwiches 2

2 PB&J (grape) sandwiches
2 pieces toast w/butter
1 glass of whole milk
Current mood:
Current music:

One page of BS has

One page of BS has materialize….five to seven more to go.
Current mood:
Current music:

1 Dagwood Slam (Eggs, bacon,

1 Dagwood Slam (Eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese in a pita like bread)
1 side of bacon
2 cups coffee w/ cream and sugar
couple of onion rings from serraph’s plate
Current mood:
Current music:


**stalks back into his lair and stares at his blank computer screen in hopes that a 6 page paper on California History materializes somehow**
Current mood:
Current music:

1 bowl rice w/ butter

1 bowl rice w/ butter
1 cup of kool-aid/triple sec (it taste kinda like cough syrup)
Current mood: calm
Current music: Traffic outside my window

In response to secludedgrrrl post – Pray for Bush

Not on secludedgrrrl friends list, so I am posting my response here:
Went to a rally a couple of years ago for Clinton/Gore and the republicans were just has rude has the democrats at your rally. Some of them were even throwing racial slurs out. I’m not going to get into a political debate about if Gore is cheating or not (they are both political scum, but I have a little more faith in Gore than in Bush). But there is alot of corruption in both parties; you should see how much money that both parties take from the Cigarette companies, the phamecutical companies, the NRA, the Christian Coalition, GLADD, etc. The whole US political machine is about money, not the welfare of it’s citizens.
Current mood: calm
Current music: Traffic outside my window

1 bowl cereal (choco puffs

1 bowl cereal (choco puffs and fat free milk)
2 glasses orange kool-aid w/tripie sec
1 glass A&W root beer
3 sandwiches (2 chicken with mayo, dijonaise, and pickles; 1 PB and grape jelly)
Current mood:
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1 Can of Cambels soup.

1 Can of Cambels soup. (chicken, potato, cheese, ???)
1 can Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Current mood:
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