Monthly Archives: January 2003

Quote from the past…

What I need is for Suzanne to help me clear my vision and to show me the good, happy, beautiful person that is inside of me. That is one of the biggest reasons that I love her; is because she can see this even when I am being an asshole or when I can’t see it in myself. If she stopped seeing that part of me, I think that my life would pretty much be over.
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Is it wrong to question

Is it wrong to question your faith in God? Your faith in love?
Are they one in the same?
The ones I need to talk to, I can’t.
They don’t answer, or is it that I don’t know how to hear.
I want to talk to them, I need answers from both of them. They are the only ones who can answer my questions.
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I am such a chicken

I am such a chicken shit sometimes.
Just paint me yellow and call me fraidycat.
That is all
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**sigh** I just might have

**sigh** I just might have to kill my web host.
Time to go to sleep. I should have been in bed an hour ago.
Damn…I still need to do dishes. Tomorrow morning.
Yeah, I know. They won’t get done.
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OK, I just did a

OK, I just did a search of all the users that live in California. I usually do this in order to read different journals and stuff. Usually, it list the journals by most recently updated, but this time it started by those that were created, but never updated. Oh man 700+ journals created, but never updated. You don’t even want to know how many of those were “celebrity” journals. I hope to God that is the start of Blurty taking some action against all of these RPG journals that create journals and don’t even use them.
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O. K. So I knew

O. K. So I knew that he was going to keep Sarah after they made out in the forest, and I knew Zora would stay cause he felt bad after the hot tub incident. But he chose Melissa over MoJo. Granted, I am SO tired of everybody calling her that (c’mon, Mojo? It’s like that her real name or something), but fucking Melissa doesn’t even know how to cook. And I think that MoJo is so much hotter than Melissa. The check thing shouldn’t have scared him off; The poem and the puzzle maybe. But the best line was from Paul at the end when he wondered if Heidi would be jealous of them flying off to the French Riviera. Classic, just classic. I am so fucking hooked on this show. And Melissa is turning to be just the little slut, so is Sarah. Man, I can’t wait until next week.
And has for the other show, Bridezilla. I honestly thought I was ready for marriage. I mean like, make a plan, start saving, etc. etc. What the FUCK was I thinking. I am SO Unprepared. This is completely different from spending the rest of my life with someone. That, I am ready for. That is something that I can do. Planning and going through a wedding; that will fucking kill me, if the lucky bride didn’t first. I don’t know how any of my married friends did it. I just don’t. It just hit me watching that show that a wedding is nothing short of an act of God. No wonder people just elope.
Hmmm. Mike’s sister just called me to get the number for Park Merced Offices. I wonder what they are planning…
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OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG….I swear

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG….I swear almost killed myself trying to get up the stairs. GOD I wish I had a laptop, or a T. V. in my room.
Talkin about almost hanging out of your bikini.
Oh FOX, thank you for such a succulent, decadent show that is Joe Millionaire.
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GOD…I need a laptop.

Watching Joe Millionaire…all I can say is OMG.
You know that FOX got that on tape. Can’t wait for the DVD to come out.
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Safe at home, except my

Safe at home, except my tooth is killing me. Oww. Time to chew on some Excedrin.
Was going to goto the gym tonight, but I think I had a good workout with all of the lifting I did this afternoon. Since there will be more the rest of this week, I will probably skip out. I will start keeping track of my diet though.
Made the mistake of finishing off Mike lunch from McDonald’s. When will I learn that I just can’t stomach that crap anymore. And the topper was when I had Mike bring me back something to drink. I told him something clear, but he brought me back a dnL, which is made by 7up. To sum it up, it’s better than Pepsi Blue, but by not much. They are actually going to be around the city giving out samples starting this week.
So what’s up tonight; will think about wrestling around with Moveable Type. Also work on the web site; I have an idea or two for Chinese New Year. It’s the year of the Sheep (or Goat), so if you are going to turn 12, 24, 36, etc…it’s your year. Suzanne and Eric both fit this category; I think Mike is a Goat also.
Scary thought of the day…I was in the shower and I realized that I am turning 29 this year. It was a scary slap in the face.
Oh yeah, Bridezilla and Joe Millionaire are on FOX tonight.
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And then AT&T decided to send Joe a reminder of his Hell Trip on Greyhound.

So I get my cell phone bills and it’s about $30 over what it should be, mostly made up of roaming and long-distance charges. Apparently, AT&T have changed the coverage areas, or maybe I’m still thinking of my coverage area when I was with Sprint. Anyway, Oregon and Washington aren’t in my roaming area, but since I was still on an AT&T network, ROAM didn’t show up on my cell. Poop on AT&T.
So I could change over to a national plan which would cover me for those areas; mainly I just need it when I go see my parents in Washington. It would be a little cheaper, I would lose a 100minutes, and my night minutes would start at 9P.M., instead of 8P.M. Will have to think about it.
Damn, I am never going to be able to save money. It just seems like something always comes up. Still need to wait on the Financial aide people about deducting my interest on my taxes.
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