Daily Archives: December 22, 2002

Yay!!! The Friday Five is back!

1. What holiday or holidays do you celebrate this time of year? This year, just Christmas and New Years. In previous years, I also celebrated the end of the school semester.
2. What was the best gift you have ever received?
3. What was the worst gift you’ve ever given? My mom got me this ugly shirt.
4. Where will you be celebrating the holidays? Are you hosting? Going away? I am taking a 22 hour Greyhound bus to arrive in Tacoma on Christmas Eve to be with my parents for a week.
5. If you could spend the holidays with someone who isn’t around, who would it be with? Why? I kinda had a ulterior wish that somehow I would have to come back home and I would somehow spend Xmas with Suzanne, but that delusion was defy shatteredand the record was set straight for me. So now, I just want to flee into the arms and the safety of my family.
Happy Holidays!!!
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weekend update

Visited April in Vacaville, had coffee and good talk. She is looking good, as usual, regardless of how fat she thinks she is.
Went and visited DeeDee, a friend of April’s and a former coworker with me @ Baskin Robbins. She was looking good too; a little thick, but good. Has a real cute daughter (Kiki, if I remember correctly). Had home cooked meal of pork chops, baked chicken and melted cheese with macaroni sprinkled in. It was good. DeeDee also has good looking cousins and relatives.
Spent the night at Barry/Gabi’s. Good times with the married couple with kid(s). Traded Civ III and Max Payne for Baulder’s Gate and Alpha Centauri. Got to see Barry’s new computer; very nice and quiet. I have to get a new quiet computer.
Next day went out for Brunch with Shawn and Marie. Great seeing them again, brunched sucked @ Baker’s Square (ants in my glass of water)
Was suppose to go see LOTR:TTT with Suzanne @ company, but she changed times on me. So no go.
Decided to go back to Barry/Gabi’s for Xmas dinner with Amber/Lesa/Amanda/Tammi. Not bad for our first formal dinner.
Drove by Suzanne’s house, but she wasn’t home.
Roommate is not home. Was suppose to drive me to work tomorrow so I can park my car at warehouse. Have a dread feeling that he has left for San Diego already; Without leaving me a rent check.
Still need to pack for Greyhound.
Still need to talk to Suzanne regarding thisand this.
A big thanks to you for checking up on me and stuff. That goes out to all of my friends, but esp. to you (You know who you are).
Oh, yeah. I got presents from Amber. A cool jazz design journal and a photo album. So I think all of my Suzanne thoughts will go into the written journal cause I don’t think that they should be posted over the internet.
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