Daily Archives: March 7, 2003

**sigh** I am a bad

**sigh** I am a bad person. I didn’t do what I was suppose to do, which was to finish the rough copy of the new procedure manual for work. Will have to franticly work on it at work, I guess.
Mike seems a little depressed. He says that he is O. K., but I think that he is getting overwhelmed with school, esp. with his senior project class. I know how that is; my senior project class drove me crazy. I still can’t believe that I got the paper done and a passing grade. We are def. not moving out until after his finals. Still I’ve found a couple of places that look nice and the deposit are low. There is one place in Pacifica that I keep coming back to again and again. It’s just a couple of blocks away from the ocean and the price is right. And most important of all, washer/dryer in the apartment. Hopefully, there will be something available in a couple of months.
So tomorrow night, I am meeting April downtown for dinner and a movie. I really want to see Chicago; I know that April wouldn’t mind seeing it again (I hope). I might bring my camera to try and take some pictures of downtown and stuff. We’ll see.
**yawn** O. K. Going to try an goto sleep a little early. Thank god that I can still function in the morning with 5 hours of sleep, granted, I don’t function that well, but I do function.
Current mood:
Current music:

Kinda uneventful Friday Five for 3/6/03.

1. What was the last song you heard?
Last song on MP3 player was I’ll Remember by Madonna.
2. What were the last two movies you saw?
In a movie theather: Old School and Lord of The Rings-The Two Towers.
On the computer: Animatrixs movies – The Second Renaissance, Part 1 and Program.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Today: A Little Debbie Strawberry Shortcake, Root Beer (don’t remember what kind), and Sprite.
From Amazon.com: Dave Matthews Band – Live at Folsom Field Boulder Colorado (Suzanne’s Xmas gift), 11 Live – Jars of Clay in Concert DVD (Suzanne’s birthday gift), Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Book 2)(part of my birthday gifts using the gift certificate that April got for me.)
At grocery store: Prego Italian Saugage Pasta Sauce, Kellogg’s Raisin Bran, Herbal Essence Shampoo.

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Last weekend:Grocery Shopping, Laundry, Eric’s Astrology Stuff, Emails.
This weekend: More Laundry, Clean Room, Finish Astrology stuff for my brother Eric (already 2 weeks late), return library books.
Next Weekend: Pay bills, More Laundry, Clean Kitchen/Living Room, Try to have at least one green beer.
Next month: Laundry, Get 3000 mile service for car, change banks, celebrate birthdays (mine and others)

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Today: Mike G. (roommate), Brian Z. (boss), John O.(coworker), Paul I.(coworker), Irene T.(coworker)
Online: April L. (best friend), Amy (new friend), Lesa W. (best friend), Kurt W. (best friend), Barry A. (best friend).
Phone: April L (best friend)., Eileen (merchandise bag rep.), Al (security cam rep), Brian Z. (boss), Paul I (coworker).
Instant Messager: April L. (best friend), Amy(new friend), Lesa W. (best friend), Eric (brother), Mew S.(best friend)
Tommorow: Tim C. (coworker), Mark H. (coworker), Brian Z.(boss), Amber W(coworker), Paul I.(coworker)

Current mood:
Current music: Madonna – I’ll Remember