Monthly Archives: March 2002

I am Joe’s slightly drunken ass

Well, not too drunk anymore. The two block walk to BART and the two Block walk to my place from BART kinda sobered me up a bit. **sigh** My bed is still a mess though and I will have to clean it before I goto sleep.
Brought the Jukeboxwith me. It fits perfectly in my camera case and it is perfect for riding on BART. I just wish that the batteries could last longer.
So tonight was the going away party for Teressa Fox at Buca Di Beppo. Not a bad Italian restaurant. The food was pretty good, but the drinks sucked. I had a couple of Mudslides on the rocks, a Long Island, and a Midori Sour. The Mudslides were o.k., but the L.I. and the Midori were too sweet.
There were about 15-20 people there for the dinner from S/R, Gifts, General Books. It was good times. OMG, there are some pictures that I will have to explain if Suzanne ever sees them. There was some talk about work and all of the shit that is going on there. **sigh** It is almost like a sinking ship; with everybody jumping overboard before the ship sinks.
I’ve known Teressa since I first started going to S. F. State. We have been good friends and there was a time when I fell in love with her. It was during one of Suzanne’s and I break-up times. It probably would have turned out bad in the end if anything came out of it cause we are very different people. Not that Suzanne have a lot of similar traits, but with Suzanne, we are 180 degrees polar opposites and with Teressa, its a 90 degree thing. (O.K. that doesn’t make sense, but in my head it does.) Anyway, we hooked up at one of the Xmas parties. There was a little make out and we went to the movies, but that was about it. Our friendship took a big hit cause of an incident in S/R a couple of years ago. It’s been repaired, but with me taking over at the warehouse, I haven’t seen that much of her. She is a Sheriff cadet in S. F. now training to be an officer.
It seems that the people I truly love I have to put them through at least one horrific episode and make them cry. I am such a horrific and ugly person with no love for himself. It is a wonder that I have any friends at all.
Current mood: drunk
Current music: Aaliyah – 4 Page Letter

I am Joe LMAO…..

Birth certificate shows Miss Cleo hails from California, not Jamaica
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I am more of Joe’s fluff for the girlfriend…

It is a SSSSSSLLLLLOOOOOWWWWW day here at work. Tim’s off on a run right now, but mulling over sending him home after Rendeview and Elimidate.
I might go home early myself, to clean my room and to get ready tonight. There is a party for Teressa Fox at some Italian Restaurant downtown tonight.
The water buff…I mean Justin came home late last night. Now while he has been gone, I have probably used the sink only to wash my plates from the raviolli that I had on Sunday night. There was no reason for him to run the garbage disposal for 5 minutes last night. Granted it could have been something of his that he was getting rid of. But the only thing he has in the fridge that could spoil is milk and you don’t need to run the garbage disposial that long for milk. If you have to run it that long, you might as well just throw it away in the garbage.
Now that I have money, am strongly resisting the urge to pay for a web host. I am going to try to wait until I have something to host, although I really want to start getting mail @
i wonder why I still do this, the whole journal thing.
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I am Joe’s Fluff

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on Live journal. There has been a little fluff the last couple of weeks, but the number of posts are significantly down from last year. Am I over live journal? Is there something new that has captured my attention. Am I happy and don’t feel like spewing morbid thoughts to the citizens of the Internet.
I guess part of it is a battle that I’m having with myself over censorship. There are things that I want to post, but I know that they could hurt people feelings. Unfortunately, I’ve censored myself to the point where there is very little for me to write about.
So what have I been doing with myself. Mainly still enjoying the fact that I am out of school and that I can lounge and veg. after work. Surfing the web, watching T.V., reading, playing computer games.
Graduation is coming up and I need to get Announcements printed up.
Birthday is also coming up.
O.K. enuf fluff.
Current mood: bored
Current music: Robbie Williams – Let Me Entertain You

I am Joe’s contradiction

The Chrysler Group of DaimlerChrysler AG plans to sell a hybrid electric version of its Dodge RAM pickup truck for the 2005 model year, according to spokesman Max Gates.
Is it me, or does anybody else think that an Electric Dodge RAM is a contradiction of terms.
Anyway, today was a pretty good day. The manager’s meeting went well; I got the guys nominated for employees of the month. Afterwards, talked to the big bosses and they might come out on Friday to buy us lunch.
Feeling so good, that I decided to treat myself to dinner, fast food style. But I was in line for McDonalds, and the thought of the food just made me sick. So I settled for North Beach Pizza, which is a block from my house. A better choice, I think. Anyway, I finish uploading most of my CD’s onto my Nomad Jukebox Player. What I ended up doing is picking 5 songs from every CD. I still have about a 1.5GB left to fill. I might put a couple of more tracks on in, but I think that I will wait until I get a bigger HD for it before I upload everything.
Also brought home some of my books, so tonight will be Diablo II and Serious Sam free. Just buried in my blankets reading tonight.
Current mood: cheerful
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I am Joe’s Post Buffy Recap…

Nice Buffy Episode, kinda figured that the wedding wouldn’t go through. I kinda did the same thing with Suzanne and I before. Now, I think that I am a little stronger and although I would have probably run away for awhile, I think that I would have went back and got married. So Anya going to become a vengeance demon again. That should be interesting. Maybe help Spike get revenge on Buffy for breaking his heart? But the preview for next week’s show was the best part. Buffy in a mental ward, her being a slayer a mental illusion. That oughta be a good episode.
My throat is feeling sick and stuff. I am trying really hard not to eat Girl Scout Thin Mint Ice Cream. Maybe I’ll fix some tea w/honey to help it out.
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Current music: Tori Amos – Precious Things

I am Joe’s Tired Ass…

**yawn** So I told myself that I wouldn’t play on the computer tonight. So of course, I just played 45 min of Diablo. Bad Joe. If I keep this up, I will get carpal tunnel or something.
Starting to fully load my MP3 player with music. It has a 6GB HD and my total collection is 13GB, so I decided that I would put 5 songs from each album into the player and if I had any space left, then I would try to add full albums. I should just send off for the larger HD now, screw the warranty.
Took my computer apart and figured that it is either the case fan in the back or the power supply fan making my computer noisy. Found a couple of sites that sell quiet accessories, like fans and stuff. Will have to order some stuff soon.
My room is a mess. I think that I will def. clean room tonight.
Buffy wedding episode is on in 15 min. Can’t wait.
Tomorrow is manager’s meeting. Thinking about bringing some KKD with me. I am such the suck up. But this is an important meeting, discussing some serious stuff going on at the store. Also, I need to finish my self evaluation. Blah….I hate self evaluating myself. But it gots to get done.
I am so cold, I wonder if Justin would mind turning the heat on.
Def. need to start bringing home some of my books from work.
Need to talk to family and plan Graduation 2002. Also need to talk to girlfriend about East Coast Summer trip.
Need to work on a half ass web page and getting a web host.
Of course, most of this is moot cause I am tired. So what will probably happen is that I crawl into bed with a bowl of Girl Scout Thin Mint Ice Cream and watch Buffy.
Current mood: drained
Current music: Tori Amos – Silent All These Years

I am Joe’s hunger…

Working a little late at work tonight, but am about ready to leave. Am very hungry and thinking about being bad and getting fast food. I would cook, but this morning, Justin almost got into a tissy (actually, he did) cause there was frosting on one of the kitchen towels. I don’t remember wiping any frosting yesterday and it could have been Suzanne. But he was ready to dig into his dirty clothes to get the towel to prove it to me. So I just was to stay out of the kitchen for a day or two so I don’t have to deal with him. Gawd, it is so like living with my mom again. I’m glad that the only room we share is the kitchen. The though of moving pops into my head again. There are a couple of 1 br apts right down the street from me. And they also are finish building an apt complex with an Albertsons right next to the Daly City BART. I wonder if I should check them out.
Anyway, I am hungry. I think I am going to suffer and goto Mc.Donalds tonight. Or maybe I should play it safe and goto Togo’s or Subway.
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I am Joe’s Movie Review of “40 Days and 40 Nights”

So yesterday, me and the girlfriend get out of the house and head for japantown in the city (San Francisco). We cruise the shops for awhile. I found a 3 panel and a 4 panel shoji screen that I think will look nice in my room once I get the futon from Suzanne’s house. Also was looking for a new pen; the one that I have is broken (I think it is the spring that is inside). There is this crepe place that I wanted to go to, but I decided not too mainly cause I wasn’t sure if my stomach could handle it. Also I should have bought some chopsticks. I was looking for some metal ones, to use everyday. But now that I’m thinking about it, maybe I should have just gotten the pack of wooden ones. I don’t use chopsticks that much.
Also got accosted by Girl Scout cookies yesterday; luckily we left with only 6 boxes. It could have been a lot worse.
Anyway the movie that we saw was “40 Days and 40 Nights” with Josh Hartnett (who really needs to pluck his eyebrow; almost has the unibrow going on). It was a pretty good movie, for a matinee. Josh breaks up with his girlfriend and gives up sex for lent. Then of course he meets the perfect girl (the princess with the funky hair and dresses from “A Knight’s Tale”) and romantic comedy in sues. I think that Suzanne liked it too except there was too much nudity for her in it. But there is this one scene where he is dreaming and he is flying over a land made up of boobs that was kinda cool and I wish that I could have it as an desktop background (maybe when the DVD comes out). Overall, it is a good matinee movie so I would either see it then or wait for it to go to Video/DVD. For regular movie prices, I would find something else to watch.
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I am Joe’s picture of beauty…

My girlfriend is lounging on my bed naked underneah the cover tossing and turning cause the computer is on and my keyboard is loud. But she is getting into some beautiful poses; I wish thath I could get the camera and take some pics. But She would go turtle if I did that and completely hide under the covers. Maybe I should look into getting a webcam (and a quietier keyboard and computer fan for that matter.)
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