Daily Archives: January 1, 2024

Taurus Horoscope 2024: What the Stars Predict for You This Year (from Allure.com)

2024 sees you growing more famous, and your pretty ruling planet Venus doesn’t retrograde at all.

Welcome to 2024, Taurus. With Uranus still in your sign all year long (it first moved into Taurus in March of 2019 and will stay there through July 2025), the rough news is that you can continue to expect surprises. Uranus is eccentric and unpredictable. You’re a grounded earth sign and a fixed one at that. You’re happiest when life is calm and stable. Uranus has two retrogrades, one that started in August of last year and ends on Saturday, January 27, and another that runs from Sunday, September 1, through the end of 2024. During these periods, the surprises occur from within. Rather than fear unexpected news to fall from the sky, you may change your mind about what you want out of a relationship, your approach to self-care, or the direction that your career is headed.

However, here’s some welcome news: Your ruling planet, darling Venus, ruler of delicious things (love, beauty, and money), does not go retrograde. Again, this is really awesome news. When Venus does go retrograde, lovers are more likely to bicker, money talks slow, making major changes to your appearance is ill-advised. But you don’t have to worry about that this year. Keep reading to learn what to expect in matters of love, friendship, career, and health from 2024.

Important 2024 Astrological Events for Taurus

  • Friday, April 19: Sun enters Taurus
  • Monday, April 29: Venus enters Taurus
  • Tuesday, May 7: New Moon in Taurus
  • Wednesday, May 15: Mercury enters Taurus
  • Sunday, June 9: Mars enters Taurus
  • Friday, November 15: Full moon in Taurus
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Last.Year Report & Last.Year Playback from Last.fm

Difference between this one and the Apple Replay is that Last.fm is based on the music that I own, and Apple replay is based on everything that I listened to from Apple Music. Still the most the things align up the same and it’s interesting to compare the differences between the two. And I do like the graphs and charts that Last.fm produce with my listening data.