Daily Archives: February 11, 2003

O. K. Moveable Type has

O. K. Moveable Type has frustrated me enough for tonight. I know that I am doing something stupid, but I just can’t figure out what it is.
Blah. Will try again tomorrow night.
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Can I just say that

Can I just say that Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On has to be one of the greatest albums of all times.
Just going to jam to this and work on Moveable Type
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Running the web cam for

Running the web cam for an hour or so, if you want to take a look at my ugly mug.
Yeah, I’ve been know to do a little dance and stuff for people too. Not sure if I’m in the mood tonight, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Email @ dance_monkey@tygreyes.com
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Student Loans are for suckers…

Article here
I totally agree with this piece. It will take forever for me to pay off my loans right now. I have no idea on how I can save money to buy a house, esp. here in CA. And it is one of the reasons why I wouldn’t be a teacher, because I couldn’t afford to. Sure, they give you a break on your loans, but it isn’t much.
**update** After reading some of the comments at Fark.com, I think I’ve changed my mind a bit. I know that a college degree is a good investment for me. I think it’s just thinking about how long I’m going to have to pay for it is what got me going. If I didn’t have to pay for everything else like the car and rent, or lived in such an expensive place, then I might not worry about it. Actually a small part of it I used to pay off my credit cards. So I guess that’s a good thing, since the intrest rate is lower on my loans than the credit card rates, right?
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Home sick. bleh… Except that

Home sick. bleh…
Except that I picked the worse time to be sick. There is no parking so I have to park the van on the street instead of the school’s employee parking.
Except that there are no parking spaces in the 4hr. area, so I had to park in a 2hr area. So I can’t goto sleep like I wanted to.
Also, Mike hasn’t moved his car from the carport yet.
I really want to throw up, but since I have been starving myself, there really isn’t anything in my stomach to throw up.
So I’m having some Chicken Soup, toast, and Sunny D to give my stomach something to expel from my body.
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