Monthly Archives: February 2002

What a day. I guess

What a day. I guess the day could have been alot worse. Anyway, I think that I will ignore all of the bad and just look at the good.
I bought 4 CD’s from BMG for $35.
Suzanne got reservations in St. Helena this weekend and we are going to a spa for a Salt Glow(?) and facials.
I went to In-n-Out. YUM!!!!
Went to Target and bought socks.
Most of my clothes are washed.
Got a parking space in front of the house.
So the rest of the day sucked. And tomorrow doesn’t look good. Have to run around campus to get my application done. Have to get a haircut. Wash my good clothes so that I have something to wear at the Punchline. SHIT! Forgot to call for a reservation. **sigh** Hope we can get in. Need to pack. Need to clean room and car. Need to take pictures of room. And on and on and on. POOP! O.K. I think that I will put “cleaning room” as priority #1 right now.
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Trying to pay all of

Trying to pay all of my bills. It is just a big mess though. I think that I have 2-3 addresses linked to different bills. They all should have my work address, but some don’t, which includes my bank I think. Anyway, I can’t get into my acct to see what the address is. Frustrating. I guess I will have to go in and personally pay the bills this weekend. Poop.
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Has usual, all it took

Has usual, all it took was one random link to get me lost in cyberspace. Ended up at before I realized where I was at. And damn it, forgot to watch the lottery numbers. Will have to wait for the 11pm news, i guess. Had to rush out of here @ 6:30 to get to school so that I could get my advisor to sign my papers. Friday, I get the head of the dept to sign and I’m home free; i hope.
Am going to attempt to take pictures of my room, even though I am sure that there isn’t enough light in my room. Will also continue reading George Carlin book (hella funny). Will hope that girlfriend will call me after class for a few minutes. And will pay some bills since check is direct depositied by now.
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God, do I feel fat…

God, do I feel fat…
Current mood: fat
Current music: Watching News on KRON 4

I am so exauhsted right

I am so exauhsted right now, I just want to goto sleep. I think it’s cause I haven’t eaten anything yet. 45 more mins left of work. Blah. Sent the guys home early cause it was slow and it is cold here. Need to go to school tonight to get advisor signature. **yawn** Think that I will take a nap until 5 then. Dream of lottery winnings. Mmmmmm.
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Well, I’m at work and

Well, I’m at work and my chest started to hurt. I wonder if it could be the heaters that we have. Who knows what fumes they are spewing. Then again, it could just all be in my head.
Tim and Peter are starting to take an incredible amount of time getting here. Trying not to think about it.
Still no tax ret really need to get the 1040 mailed off tomorrow or something. Maybe I’ll send it proirity or overnight. At least I get paid tonight.
My credit union is having a 3.9 APR at local dealerships in Vacaville and Fairfield this weekend. **sigh** I really need to get a new car. I wonder if I could get it. I mean, I got the J.C. Penny card and that was a shocker.
The owner of the warehouse complex just came by. I hope that the people next door don’t say anything about us parking in the front of their warehouse. We are suppose to park in the back, but since the door is broken, we are parking in the front.
Nothing special for Valentines Day. Suzanne was suppose to make the plans this year, but she said that I didn’t give her enough time (gave her 3 weeks). Anyway, I guess she is paying for us to go see Mitch Hedberg at the Punchline on Friday. We were suppose to go with Tim and some other people, but they are going to the late show, and I doubt that Suzanne will be able to last that long and drive back to Antioch. It should be a good time, Tim is more into Mitch than I am, but it’s been ages since I’ve been to the Punchline.
I really need to get my computer cleaned up. What I really need to do is set -up my email. I have the hotmail, yahoo, and hotmail account. But they are all filled with junk mail and spam. I need an account where I can send all of my personal and important email too. What I need is my own web host. I have the domain name, I should just get off of my ass and take care of the rest.
What I would really like is to reclaim and I was so stupid to give them up. Every month, I check to see if they are somehow free and I could claim them again. I would offer money up to reclaim them; maybe.
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Well, there is random knocking

Well, there is random knocking going on which sounds like it is coming from Justin’s room, so I think that I will pass on that late night snack.
Well, back to the previous post, I am just working myself into my usual negative frenzy over things, always plotting for the worst. I’m sure that everything will be fine and that I will have a good time out.
But there is the deal with me and Suzanne’s’ friends. I haven’t really had good experiences with her RL friends, except for Jason. And maybe Colleen who I met briefly. And I am def. not the LJ socialite that she is with her LJ friends. Like I’ve said in a post before, I LJ more for myself than to meet people….
….But on a similarly different topic. We were out in Dublin at Hacienda Crossing at the IMAX theater. We went into this Ice Cream shop (I think it was called Cold Stone Creamery) I was wearing my LJ shirt and we found out that the girl behind the counter had a LJ too. Damn it though, I can’t remember her name. Anyway, that was the 1st person that I have met who had a LJ who I didn’t; know before.
…well, I forgot where I was going, so I guess I will talk about jealously. I think that I am jealous of the guys who Suzanne know on LJ. It’s not like I’m going to do anything like forbid her from using LJ. But I think back to another relationship that I had and how by not doing anything, I let that someone slip away from me.
Of course I realize that if Suzanne is going to slip away from me, it won’t be because of a group of guys on the Internet who can type pretty words and flatter her to no end. Besides, we just passed the 3yr. marker and things are going good for us. We have our ups and downs; ours maybe more….frequent than others, but we get gotten through them. I still would like to move in with her somewhere, but that will take time. Still issues to hammer out and stuff. I think that once we are living together, I can finally think of myself as having a place to call home. It is something that I have missed for three years now ever since I’ve moved out and went to college. My parents and Eric up in Washington. I love going up there to see them and it feels like home. But I am really just a guess there. I never grew up in that house or have any…things, I guess, in that house. I sleep in the guest room and all of my stuff is packed away. All of my furniture is Eric’s now. There are no anchors in Washington for me. The same in all of the places that I have lived for the last 3yrs. I’ve always known that I was going to move again. I think that the main reason that I have been pretty quiet to Justin about the incense is cause I am tired of moving and just want to stay put for a good while. I would settle for calling this place home, but I don’t think it will happen. I won’t be able to call a place home until I get a place all to myself or with Suzanne.
The heater is on and I think that the pot is getting to me. Off to bed I go…
Current mood: high
Current music: Dave Matthews Band – Crush

Two major social events for

Two major social events for me coming up is the Punchline this Friday and Mew’s going away party next Saturday. I’m already getting worked up over both and at one point, was trying to figure out ways to get out the both of them. **sigh** I just worry about what kind of mood I will be in before these events. And then there’s the matter of Suzanne. I love Suzanne (God, what a set-up), but she always has to put me down in front of my friends, or her friends for that matter. I don’t know, just not a very good track record with us and social event, I guess. Sometimes I can take it and other times I can’t. I just worry what time it will be.
The Punchline will be about 10-15 people that I know and don’t know. There will be some people from work that I know in varying degrees, and my old roommates might show up also. And then Suzanne is also bringing Jason, who I haven’t talked to or apologized too since the disastrous New Years Eve Party.
And then there is Mew’s going away party. The last party that I went to with Suzanne and my friends, I got roaring drunk and passed out. I still don’t remember everything that went on.
I wonder if I am turning into my dad? He’s kinda antisocial too.
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Lottery dreams are in the

Lottery dreams are in the air in California with a $125+ million pot. **sigh** No offense to the elderly, but I am tired of 90+ people winning huge lottery prizes. What the hell are they going to do with all of that money. They aren’t even going to live long enough to collect it all. I think that there should be an age cap on the lottery. **sigh** I’m not bitter or anything. But another reason why I am on the fast track to Hell. It would make it a lot easier if I won the lottery though.
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Blah, blah, blah

I had so many grandiose ideas and thoughts that I wanted to spew onto live journal, but tonight they have seen to hidden themselves into the recesses of my mind. I guess they are shy.
Justin is outside my room waiting for a “guest” to come over. He lets me know when guests are coming over. I think that he doesn’t want to the “straight person” to scare them off or something. Or maybe his drug supplier is coming over? Je ne sai pas, I guess.
Anyway, something profound. Hmm. **yawn** I guess we will talk about school and graduating. It still hasn’t really hit me that I am graduating yet. I’m sure part of it has to do with the hoops that I am being forced to jump through just to apply. But half of the people that I know have not graduated or didn’t graduate from a traditional 4yr college. And they seem to be doing better than I am. Granted that the ones who did graduate from college are also doing better than I am also. But they say that with a degree, you make X amount more than someone without one. But O. K. I am out of college working for the bookstore. At the most, I’ll be making $35-37K at my job (I think. It’s probably less than that.) Suzanne doesn’t have a degree and is an apprentice in training and she is already making as much has I am. and in the end, she will be making way more than I will. I’m not jealous or bitter or anything of Suzanne, but I just wonder if all of these years were worth it. I’m sure I will be echoing that thought in the upcoming months when I start repaying the loans.
Current mood: blah
Current music: R.E.M – King Of Comedy