Monthly Archives: January 2001

The Baskin Robbins Dream

So I’m in Vacaville and I decide to go to Baskin Robbins to order a cake. Well, Baskin Robbins has changed; it’s bigger, but for some reason darker in side. So the kid at the counter greets me and I go over to the cake display case. The cakes are all right, but not the quality of stuff that is usually found here. One of the good things I can say about the Vacaville Baskin Robbins is that Craig (the owner) always put an emphasis on cake decorations, and the Vacaville stores have always had the best cake decorations anywhere. Anyway, these cakes really looked like crap. The borders were sloppy; some weren’t frosted right, and the icing was bleeding big time. Yuck!
So I go over to the counter and the flavor of the month is something with Cheerios in it. The kid behind the counter is being really friendly, tell me the flavors that are popular and which ones he prefers. So I ask him about cakes and he start rattling off flavors and styles. I’m like, “Whoa, junior. Slow down.” I tell him that he really likes his job and he agrees and starts singing a song that is playing on the radio behind him. I don’t remember the song (I think that it was on the radio at the time that while I was sleeping) but the gist if the song is that “I’m never going to leave”. I’m thinking, God, he is so unblemished and unbruised. I feel sorry when he gets crushed by this job.
So I ask him is there a cake decorator working. He says yes and goes into the back room. Then he comes out and starts asking me the usual cake questions. But I need to talk to the cake decorator, because I want a lion cake. The lion cake is a really cool looking cake, but it’s difficult to make because you can only do a little at a time, then you need to put it back into the freezer. So I see the door open and I call out to the two guys back there. The guys comes out and I start to ask him a question and he just ignores me. So I’m like, “Excuse me, can I ask you a question” He looks at me with this adittude look and ask me if I have a number. I’m starting to get a little ticked off with this guy and so I get a number and it’s 50. he pushes the buzzer and the number changes to 35. He calls out 35 and then he tells me that I will have to wait and starts to walk off. I am like, “Oh no you didn’t. Can a get the number of your manager?” He starts to get a card and then he says, wait I am the manager. So I go, well is Craig Hampton still the owner, let me get his number. He looks at me and writes a number down. It’s the wrong number. So I give it back and say that’s ok. because I have Craig’s correct number (WTF am I doing with Craig’s home number) and I just go off on a rant how I am a personal friend of Craig and his wife and how he should start looking for a new job right now and I storm off. Then I woke up.
It was totally weird, and I have no idea why I was dreaming about BR, unless a BR commercial came on while I was sleeping. But I haven’t heard or seen a BR commercial for awhile now. Anyway, I am awake and should start getting ready for work.
Current mood:
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Horoscope (by Frustration over

Horoscope (by
Frustration over partnership matters may tempt you to run away from a difficult situation. It is possible that you’ll have to work through your fear and take a risk in your public life. If you’re willing to walk to the beat of a different drummer, the spotlight will hit in a vibrant way. Even though you may attract some jealousy or unwanted competition, taking the easy way out will do nothing more than give you personal pleasure. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way.
Current mood:
Current music:

The Greatest Love Of All….

A believe the children are our future,
Teach them well and let them lead the way
So them all the beauty they posses inside….
So true Whitney, so true…
The greatest love is inside of me….
I just have to find it.
Current mood:
Current music: Whitney Houston – Greatest Love Of All (Junior Vasquez Mix)

OMG – Almost burned my

OMG – Almost burned my biscuits. Whew!!!
Oh Whitney, How will I Know if he is thinking of me….
Falling in love is so bittersweet….
Why are you so emotional….
80’s Whitney: So young and sweet. You gotta love it
Current mood:
Current music: Whitney Houston – How Will I Know (Junior Vasquez Mix)

God help the black man

God help the black man with no rhythm who can’t dance…
Current mood:
Current music: Whitney Houston – I Will Always Love You (Hex Hector Mix)

Whitney might be a crack

Whitney might be a crack fiend married to a worthless dog, but she is still the diva.
Current mood:
Current music: Whitney Houston – Step By Step (Junior Vasquez Mix)

Got the web cam on

Got the web cam on for those folks that like to watch me make a fool of myself.
Current mood: hyper
Current music: Whitney Houston – Heartbreak Hotel (Hex Hector Mix)

No new roommate!!!

YAY!!! One more night with a room to myself.
well dinner is spaghetti (actually it’s fettichini) with veggies and more biscuits. I think tonight’s movie will be The Vision of Escaflowne.
Then maybe later, some Diablo….
sounds like a plan to me
Current mood: hungry
Current music: Whitney Houston – It’s Not Right But It’s OK (Thunderpuss Mix)

Still not done with this

Still not done with this 3M tape order, but I’m tired and so it will just have to wait until tommorow. I wish that there was a jacuzzi that I could get into, but I guess I’ll have to settle for an hot bath.
OK I’m outta here
Current mood:
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Still at work….

I’m probably working to 6-7 tonight. It’s tiring, but the more stuff that I get done now, the less I have to worry about on Monday. With school/rush starting on Monday, i probably won’t update too much. I will be so tired with stuff, I probably won’t touch my computer.
**sigh** I can’t wait to payday, so i can get food. I’m not going to starve, but it’s looking like more Rice-a-roni. bleh. I think I have some spaghetti, that will sufice. And my tea should be done, except that i left the bags in the pitcher. I hope it isn’t too strong.
So, in theory, I have the whole apartment to myself, since Matt is off to Chico for the weekend. But since this is the last weekend before school, I’m sure that the other two guys are moving in. So long for me being alone in the room. I just hope that whoever I get is better than Quetzal.
I think that I’m getting tired of being alone. sometimes, I think that I can ignore thinking about her and go on with my day, and then there are times that I don’t know how I can live without her and how could I push her out of my life AGAIN.
Well, it is getting cold and dark here. I need to get my shit done so I can leave….
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