Category Archives: Uncategorized

Some closure maybe…

I read this article on the Sherrif’s department and how understaffed they are. And I don’t know, something clicked in my head with the article and thinking about Teresa. Like I knew that the Sherrif department was understaffed and Teresa works alit of overtime. But I don’t think I really put it all together under I read this article (it was at 4m in the morning and of course I didn’t save it).

This is an answer that I can accept composited to the other scenarios that I’ve envisioned in my head over the last few years to try to explain what happened and why we don’t talk anymore.

I mean, one of those scenarios could actually be the correct reason of what happened. But with this theory from the article, I feel a peace; like the voices aren’t obsessing and trying to analyze what happened. I guess I’m ready to move on. Not to goto a bar or sign up on a dating site. But to leave the what could have been and the what should have been behind.

Still, it doesn’t erase the fact that I miss my friend.


Work break

One of the reason that I do like coming to the South San Francisco site.

Cat Video Fest 2023

Cat Video Fest 2023

I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

Been thinking about this song a lot lately.

Old Man Positivity

OK, I shouldn’t be all doom and gloom. Went out to dinner with Barry and Kurt. Good times was had by all, including the mosquitoes that enjoyed biting my legs apparently, even with jeans on.

Sunday results

One technique is to write down all of the things you accomplished before you go to sleep, so you don’t obsess over them while trying to go to sleep.

  • Took a shower
  • Left the house and went out for breakfast
  • Walked a mile+ around downtown San Rafael
  • Found commercial TV and wall mount for work
  • Bought socks
  • Didn’t go out to eat
  • Didn’t have cereal dessert
  • Cleaned dinning table
  • Put clean dishes away
  • Took out the trash
  • Found the leak under the sink

So now I only have to obsess over.

  • Clean clothes in room still not put away
  • Dirty laundry in car that I didn’t do today
  • Apartment that still hasn’t been clean
  • All the money I spent today on various website with questionable purchases I may or may not need
  • Need to find a new car
  • Being alone
  • Going back to work tomorrow and all that awaits me
  • My depression
  • My silent obsession over people that aren’t interested in me.
  • Getting old
  • My underfunded retirement
  • The Novato Leadership Program video that I still need to make
  • My health

…and whatever else my mind decides to focus on, in the past or made-up future, to keep me awake.

Being a tourist in San Francisco

Going with Gabi to the Peru Consulate to pick up her passport. Parked at Union Square. A beautiful day in the city. Not the drug laden, piss/poo strewn street’s advertised on Fox News. But still shocking at the number of stores that are closed around Union Square.

Almost shocked at how much joy seeing a cable car brought me. Have I been that cynical that long? It has been too long since I was just a tourist in San Francisco instead of being a jaded residence (even if I’m not a resident anymore).

No matter the good or bad, there will always be a part of my heart in San Francisco


Even waking up early and eating breakfast I’m still end up running late 😵‍💫


Will I be able to see this on livejournal too?

what about images?

Sunday starvation

Sometimes (maybe a lot of times) it’s just easier to stay in bed and starve than to go out to get breakfast and eat alone.