
Facebook Post: 2014-07-11T12:34:03

Dear younger me,

You know how you like to blow those fuzzy flowers and watch them float away in the sky. The ones that you are blowing and making wishes for your own GI Joe USS Flagg Aircraft Carrier play set so you can be the envy of the neighborhood.

Two things:
One: Those little floating things become weeds and come back to haunt you 30 years later when they infest the yard a week after I cut the yard. I’m going to spend days in the hot sun pulling, cutting, and spraying trying to get rid of them.

Two: They don’t work for wishes, you will never get the aircraft play set. Sorry, I know you had your heart set on it. But you do get the F14 Tomcat to play with. It’s pretty cool. Try not to break the pilot, it’s pretty hard to fix once you break him

Yours truly
Future Joe Rogers

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