Monthly Archives: October 2009


South park is in rare form tonight


Trying to read “Twilight” while watching the baseball game

Ghosts of the past and forgiveness

Stopped in Vacaville on a tip that the Denny’s there had been knocked down and demolished for what looks like a chicken shop.  The loss of the Denny’s made me take a drive through Vacaville to visit the places of my past.  In previous trips, there has always been the ghost of those memories to greet me at these places.  But this time, there were no such ghosts.  Had the passage of time finally release these spiritual being.  Or had the city changed so much that the ghost were made irrelevant.  I think the only trips to Vacaville that I will take will be the ones when I look at my yearbook.  If that….

The one thing that therapy is not  helping me with is the question of forgiveness.  To ask others for forgiveness is a daunting task, but one that I am up for.  While I am comfortable forgiving myself for using Facebook and neglecting my journal, there are other things that I have yet to forgive myself for.  For betraying them and their trust…no for abandoning them and pushing away their offers of friendship and help.  That is what I cannot forgive myself for.  That is what therapy can’t seem to find for me.  The forgiveness is the answer that I seek.  This lack of forgiveness is what keeps me stagnant and depressed, I think.

Is the answer God?  I wish it was, but God is like a person on a boat while you are drowning.  He is willing to save you as long as you agree to his conditions before you board.  Conditional forgiveness is not what I am looking for…I don’t think.


The rain is bringing me down. 🙁


Relaxing before going out to do more laundry. Not having a working dryer sucks


nap time is over; going out to finish laundry


I saw Zombieland and I liked it


Finish dinner @ chilli’s with my friend. Now going to watch zombieland.


i must be crazy since I am going to an 8am Dr. appointment

Being a good boy

Being a good boy and doing laundry instead of going to the movies. Being a bad boy by stealing bandwidth from a router. Not really my fault that they didn’t change their password. Wishing that I could talk to….but she’s was out of town today and not sure if she would be up to going out after driving from Sacramento. Actually, I’m being a wuss and not texting her for some reason. I should…maybe not