GM Department Manual – 9/01/06
Revise old gift manual to bring it up to date with department today. Maybe 50% done right now. Need to finish it and let Amber/Irene/Monica proof it.
Buy plant for desk – 9/15/06
Would like a bonsai or a small flower plant. No Cacti.
Reduce Website – 10/31/06
New Color Scheme
Make it W3C complaint
Add Photo/Moblog Album
Be able to post pics by phone
Update more often
figure out how to trackback
Quit WOW – 9/15/06
I really not doing anything special with this. It’s not like I socialize or am in a guild. W/O a guild, I’ll never get high end equipment. Same with PVP. I’m just wasting $15/month. I should quit until the expansion comes out.
Exercise 3-4x week regularly
I need to get on a schedule and stick with it. In theory.
- Mon Raw 9-11pm
- Tues Eureka/ECW 9-11pm
- Wed Blade 10-11pm
- Friday Smackdown 8-10pm
- Sat Naruto 8:30-9:30pm
Really didn’t I build my computer so that I could record TV? Anyway It would do me some good to cut out some TV. I’m really probably too old f/wrestling and cartoons.
New Showerhead
I’ve forgotten how good a water massage could feel. But I am still curious about the rainforest heads.
New Shoes
For the love of god, just buy some. Suck it up and go to the sketcher outlet in the mission