even more dreams…

In this dream, I was a 3-5 grade teacher for a private school in Pacifica. There were three episodes of this sitcom that I was in. The students were all smart any bright in all different subjects. Totally typical school sitcom scenario with a child from all different races who were esp. smart in different subjects and then there is me, the new young teacher here to learn a lesson from the kids and to teach them lessons in life. Of course, with this being a dream, one scene was of me running late for class (I was always late for the begining of school) and I was speeding down Hwy 1 to Pacifica on a motorcycle, but it wasn’t a motorcycle. It was more like the light cycles in Tron, but I was only using one hand. It was really wierd. Anyway the school was located next to the closed movie theather is at in the Manor district of Pacifica. I remember that the principal really didn’t like me and was always trying to get me fired, but the one of the kids would always end up saving me. The last episode I remember because there was this mixy girl who liked computers. I guess some boys told her that girls were no good at video games and I told her that the boys didn’t know what they were talking about and that she would grow up to be the best programmer and video game player the world has ever known. I also remember that there was another teacher or student helper there. I think it was a teacher, she was latino with long hair braided into one braid and I think that she was suppose to be the love interest. I vaguely remember her being cute and she overheard what I said to the girl and gave me a smile and was coming over to talk to me. Then I woke up. The only other thing that I remember in the dream was that there were some apartments that I wanted to look at; 2 bedroom 2 bath for $1085.

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