You may need a change of pace now. You are always able to come up with financial plans that are enlightened, and today is no exception. Try not to let funds slip through your fingers. You find it difficult to say no to certain people. You need to avoid those people today, because you’re liable to grant requests that will drain your resources. Take a moment to fill up your wellspring again.
Hmmm….I wonder if this means not to go shopping, or to take care of the financial aid crap. Or both. Anyway, IAkido was pretty good today. Moraine wasn’t here today, so I got to try out a lot of different partners. I am just a complete idiot in that class, or I’m sure the helpers and the other students that I was paired up with think so. I’m sure that the teacher thinks that I’m a hopeless case too since I keep asking him if there is a book that I can get. But he did give me a name and that means I get to take a trip to Japan town. Whoohoo…
Current mood: refreshed
Current music:
A 50-something pretending to live in California.
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