Sunday Breakfast

Breakfast at Canyon Cafe in American Canyon today. Trying to reset and get out the house on Sunday’s. I should go grocery shopping after, but we’ll see. Kinda want to goto Vacaville, but kinda don’t either; don’t want to deal with 95° heat.

What other thoughts can I spill while waiting for my food? Two weeks until shutdown and I still haven’t reserved anywhere to go. Another week rotting away at home? Possible. Thoughts again about getting a cat; still not confident in my ability to take care of another living creature. The succulents are barely alive.

Have enough energy to take the car to the car wash to get cleaned. Had to stop off the side of the road to dump everything in the seats into the trunk. Love how we have to clean things before we let strangers do it for us. Human nature is weird. I should go across the street and start looking at cars since the clock is ticking on the lease on the Civic. Definitely going to buy this time but can i afford new or will I have to settle for used. Maybe try for a Hyundai or Kia again. I don’t know, all the cars seem boring.

Hmmm. I should stay out of the house but I feel my energy draining. If I go home, can I keep the momentum and clean the apartment. Or will I succumb to the safety and comfort of the couch and computer.

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