Monthly Archives: March 2021

Happy National Joe Day

Only I could make myself this miserable on a fake national holiday dedicated to me.

Facebook Post: 2021-03-27T13:02:31

“Though you may not be a Joe,it is with great pleasure that you work with and alongsideJoe and for this we congratulate you.”

Facebook Post: 2021-03-27T09:33:19

From Mia Ortiz. Happy National Me Day.

Facebook Post: 2021-03-13T13:43:30

2nd vaccine shot done, now waiting for the hunger for brains to begin.🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️🧟 #covidvacccine

Facebook Post: 2021-03-05T12:46:43

So how much is she subleasing it for?

Facebook Post: 2021-03-05T10:29:31

Monopoly tournament at Santa Cruz with Amber Dyson & Vincent Paolucci Smith. God, we were babies back then.