Taken from Amy
1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out?……. Yes.
2. Kept a secret from everyone?……. Yes.
3. Had an imaginary friend?…… No.
4. Wanted to go out with a friend?……. Yes.
5. Had a crush on a teacher? ……. Yes.
6. Ever thought an animated character was hot?:….. Yes
7. Had a New Kids on the Block tape?:…. **sigh** Yes, I think.
8. Ever been on stage?: ……. Yes.
9. Ever caught a frog?……. Yes.
10. Ever played Spin the bottle?……. Yes.
11. Stripped?……. Yes.
12. Rode a horse?……. No.
13. Toilet Papered a house?……. Yes.
14. Ever gotten fired?…… No.
15. Been to a strip club?…..Yes.
16. Roasted marshmallows?….. Yes.
17. Skydived?….. No.
18. Swallowed your gum?…… Yes.
19. Flirted to get what you want?….. Yes.
20. Had your eyeball licked?….. Yes, I Think?
21. Ever played in mud?…. Yes.
22. Shampoo:……. Herbal Essence.
23. Soap :…….. Lever 2000.
24. Color:……… Blue.
25. Summer/Winter:……… Summer.
26. Day/Night:……… Night.
27. Perfume:……. White Diamonds.
28. Cologne:……. Contradiction.
29. Lace or Satin:…….. Satin
30. Favorite cartoon Characters:…….. Cowboy Bebop.
31. Favorite Food:……… Steak.
32. Favorite smell:…. Jasmine
33. Favorite Movie:……. Too Many To List
34. Favorite Ice Cream: ………… Cold Stone Creamery.
35. Favorite subject:…….. History.
36. Favorite drink:…….. Too Many To List.
37. Favorite finger:……. Pinky, I Think.
38. Favorite Person to talk to online:…….. Too Many To List.
39. Favorite Saying:……. **sigh**.
40. Fast food:…… Don’t really eat Fast Food anymore.
41. Store:….. Frys.
42. Time of day:….. Sleep time.
43. Feeling:…… Rested.
—————–RIGHT NOW——————
44. Doing…. This.
45. Wearing:…… T-Shirt, sweats, socks, underwear.
46. Hair is:…… Short.
47. I’m feeling:…… Tired.
48. Eating:…… Nothing.
49. Drinking:…. Nothing.
50. Thinking about:…… Someone.
51. Listening to:…. Fiona Apple.
——————THE LAST 24 HRS——–
52. Worn a skirt?…… No.
53. Met someone new?….. No.
54. Had sex?…… No.
55. Lied?….. Yes.
56. Sneezed?…… Yes.
57. Showered?….. Yes.
58. Gotten a number?….. No.
59. Danced?….. No.
60. Yourself:….. No.
61. Your friends:….
62. Destiny/Fate: …… I Don’t Know.
63. Spiritual: ….. Yes.
64. Natural: …… Yes.
65. Angels……. Yes.
66. God? …. Yes.
—————–FRIENDS AND LIFE——————
67. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?……. No.
68. Like anyone? Yes.
69. Who have you known the longest of your friends?….. Dan Rama.
70. Who’s the shyest?……
71. Who’s the weirdest?…….
72. Who’s the craziest?…….
73. Who’s the loudest?……
74. Who do you go to for advice?………
75. Who do you cry to?……..
76. The last time you cried?….. Last Night.
77. Worst Feeling:….. Heart Break.
78. Who would bail you out of jail?…..