Daily Archives: May 16, 2001

The horoscope tells me that

The horoscope tells me that I should relax today. **sigh** I will try to, but there is too much going on for me to really be relaxed…
My friend Mew (she’s Hawaiian) called me; her grandfather just passed away today in Ohio. She had just gotten back from seeing him and now she has to go back. I’m glad that she called; I haven’t seen her since St. Pats Day. I haven’t really seen anybody since March/April. I have so many people that I have lost touch with. Well, only a week and a half left of school, then I can start calling and visiting people.
I am already getting worried about today, so I think that I am going to eat and take a shower, then get back to the paper. I hope Matt doesn’t forget about the loan….
Current mood: worried
Current music:

Horoscope (by astrocenter.com)

Today is a good day for you to be mellow and laid back. Don’t put yourself under pressure to meet any deadlines whatsoever. You will find that the more easygoing you are, the more pleasure will come to you naturally without even lifting a finger. The square between Moon and Pluto calls for self-analysis, since you are probably much more insightful than usual. So go inward, and listen to your voice inside. Take an honest look at your fears, your anger and your desires. By the end of the day, you will feel strengthened and energized.
Current mood:
Current music:

Work is progressing on the

Work is progressing on the paper…going to sleep now.
Current mood: accomplished
Current music: Dave Matthews Band – I Did It