Monthly Archives: May 2000

nothing like going to Baskin

nothing like going to Baskin Robbins and getting a tired trainie to help you. We’re talkin about regular scoops for kids scoops. Anyway, the plan was to drive down hwy 1 and enjoy the view. That thought ended when I hit all the traffic at Pacifica. So I decided to cruise the mall, but it was crowded and hot there too. And it wasn’t much fun by myself. What’s up with the weather anyway. It must be about 80 in S.F. It NEVER gets into the 80’s. That means that it must be like 100 in Vacaville. OUCH! Oh well, I got my air and exercise, so I guess it’s all good.
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OH MY GAWD!!!! One of

OH MY GAWD!!!! One of my final papers that I thought was due on monday isn’t due until this friday. YES!!!!
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One paper done and one

One paper done and one more to finish, YEAH! O.K. I look like crap and my roommate’s mother just saw me looking like crap, so I am going to take a shower and get some sunshine for awhile. I thinking a Baskin Robbins Milkshake sounds good right about now….mmmmmm
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You know, this LiveJornal thing

You know, this LiveJornal thing isn’t half bad….I’m going to have to download the Mac version and put it on the computer at work…Oh ma, if I do that, I gonna be doing some serious voicing off about people. Ok back to the paper
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Ok…the paper is going great,

Ok…the paper is going great, I just might be done in an hour. Went to check my mail and I ran into Tiffany, this girl that I knew when I was at community college. I had a crush on her then and it seems that I still do. One day I will be able to talk to her without looking like a total idiot….Current mood:
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I really want to take

I really want to take a dump, but we don’t have any more toilet paper. I could have bought some, but I’m only here for one week and I really wanted someone else (ie Ben) to buy some. Oh well, if it’s urgent enough, I can go downstairs…
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Oh my god…..I can’t believe

Oh my god…..I can’t believe that I fell asleep….I was suppose to wake up and goto 2 parties including one that my boss was holding. Sh*t! Oh man, I don’t feel good. And I need to still finish this paper. Did I mention that finals sucks
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God….nothing smells better than French

God….nothing smells better than French Vanilla Oatmeal in the morning (or afternoon). It looks like the fog is burning off and it’s going to be a lovely day. Too bad I won’t get to enjoy it. I HATE FINALS!!! Oh well, I need to get workin’ on these papers. Yuck!
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OK. this is where I

OK. this is where I will be keeping a journal of my deep and personal online thoughts…This oughta be real fun
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