Monthly Archives: May 2000

Oh, man. A whole weekend

Oh, man. A whole weekend without internet access. I am indeed a sick sick, creature. Anyway, my move to Shawn’s house in Berkeley was successful. I left campus at 8:30-9:00 and got to Sawn’s a little before 10pm. Then an 1 1/2 hours of carrying boxes up to my new room. It was awful. But the icing on the cake was that I had to unpak my computer ad set it up to make sure it was ok. Maybe I am adicted to my computer and to the internet. So, Saturday, I journeyed up to see Amber, Lesa, and Michelle. I had a really cool time with these guys. We just lounged around by the poolfor most of the day. Lesa and Michelle got a new place to live and it’s great. Amber bought the latest Sixpence the Richer CD and it wasn’t that good. So I came back and unpacked everything and it left me wondering; how the hell can I collect so much stuff. Well, a couple of boxes will be shipped up to Mom and Dad in Washington. I still need to call them and to let them know that I’m O.K. I went and saw Mission Impossible 2 with Shawn and Marie. Tom Cruise is hot an John Woo is a god; easily john Woo’s best AMERICAN movie, but nothing will beat his Honk Kong Stuff. And I watched several anime series; FushigiYugi, Neo Evangelion, and Cowboy Bebop, witch is one of the best anime’s I’ve seen in a long time. So today I had to deal with bridge traffic for the first time in ages. I’mdefinetely going to have to wake up earlier or maybe start taking BART. OK. it’s almost 6:30 and I need to get home so I can go gocerey shopping. I hope Shawn found out what to do to connect me to his cable modem. I’m not sure how long I can go without high speed internet. That AOL CD is starting to look good, but could I ever get that desperate that I would goto 56k. we’ll see.
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This is Joseph L. Rogers

This is Joseph L. Rogers signing off from San Francisco State University. Good night and God Bless
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Well, It’s just me and

Well, It’s just me and Anders left here in the apartment. It’s kinda sad, and the fog rolling in doesn’t help anything. For all the faults that all of us had, I think that we are pretty good roommates. It’s going to be sad and all, but I guess that’s life in college. I’m going to go scavenge and then come back and take the computer apart.
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Ok, I’m almost done packing.

Ok, I’m almost done packing. The only major thing I need to pack is the computer….Off to work for a couple of hours, and I need to turn in my paper.
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Paper is done… about total

Paper is done… about total BS work, but at this point I dont ENEV CARE
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Ok., I think I’m just

Ok., I think I’m just going to fake this thing….so I can stay home and watch the price is right. Screw Millionare, Price Is Right is the show. Bob just dishes out the good stuff.
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IT FRIDAY!!!! MOVING DAY!!!!! STILL HAVE ONE MORE PAPER TO DO!!! uh…yeah, I know. I kinda procrastinated on it, and then Crissi needed help moving, and etc, etc. SO, it’s off to the library to finish this thing before 5pm (actually 1pm since I have to goto work at 1pm). I guess I’ll leave the cam on to watch Tim pack his stuff. Does it make me a bad person that my computer will be the last thing I pack…I hope shawn has figured out how to network the computers so we can share his DSL connection. Heaven help me if I have to goto 56k and join AOL. **shiver**
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What am I doing instead

What am I doing instead of working on my final, CLEANING AND PACKING!!!! God, I am an awful procrastinator….
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GOD….that took forever. I am

GOD….that took forever. I am such a keeper. I have to keep everything. Ok I threw away some of my magazines and one shelf of my bookcase is officially packed. Now off to the library
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Ok. First thing, I finnaly

Ok. First thing, I finnaly got my Cd’s from BMG. It just took them 2 months….I don’t know if I like them now. I’ve listened to the first CD, the Gin Blossoms Greatest Hits….It was good, but quick. I’m not sure if I got the best value with it. Right now Moby/Everything Is Wrong is in. Def. an improvment. I’m def. liking it. If you look at the web cam, you can see me trying to pack. Right now, I’m sorting through my magazines. I’m keeping the Rolling Stones cause I’m thinking about doing some kind of collage with them next semester. And I’m keeping the Men’s Health cause I want to read the articles about getting in shape. (I’m not just looking at the guys, really). The rest of them I have to look through and decide if I need them or not. And I still need to goto the library and finish one last final project. Thank god this is the last day
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