Daily Archives: December 26, 2004


First off, I want to thank Tim & Renee, Angie, Joy, Amber & Rob, Dan & Jen, and Barbara for the presents. Just for the record, the Wham! Greatest Hits album is so 80’s that it hurts.
Christmas in Washington has been a quiet enjoyment so far. Eventually escaped from work and got to the airport with no problem. An hour delay for my flight, so I didn’t arrive in SeaTac until almost 8pm. The family is doing fine, and while I’m worried about things with the family, I’m not going to obsess over them. The family can take care of itself.
I got my parents gift cards to Macy*s, since they never want anything. For my brother, I got him a steering wheel for his computer. I also got him a long coat, except that I liked it so much, that I was going to keep it. He had the exact same idea, so basicly we just bought each other the same gift. For dinner, I was too late to stop my dad from buying a Turkey Dinner from Safeway. I swear, next year, we are going out for dinner or it will be all Korean or something. I HATE cooking turkey. Still the dinner turned out well.
What else? Rearranged my brother’s room and cleaned it up for him. I know, real fun. But it was for me. Also fixed his computer and laptop; increased the strength of the wireless connection that he is stealing from the neighbors and networked the laptop to the desktop that he has. We also went to the movies to see Blade 3; not too bad of a movie.
Have spent the rest of the time reading. I’ve really got in the Recieving Love book that I checked out. I wish that I could have read this book while I was going out with Suzanne. There are things that both Suzanne and I did that they have touched on in this book.

New Years Resolutions Revisited

Let’s take a look on how I did with the New Years Resolutions I made for this year…

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