White men can’t play basketball…

So I get a call from Mark and find out that he has once again dislocated his shoulder playing basketball. Again. So my strongman is out a week before the warehouse move. Trying to stay calm about the whole issue. Hopefully, I can get Tim to come in on Wed to help out. (He has his 2nd job Mon and Wed.)
The move is done, the rice cooker is out, and the computer is working. Just need to bring my bookcase into my room. Need to remember to take pictures of house. Love the facts that there are cats here. Makes me happy.
Already thinking of ways to spend the money that I’m suppose to be saving. Computer stuff, a bed frame, car stuff, going out, buying clothes. **sigh** who am I kidding, it’s all going into savings.
O.K. need to get some food and finish laundry. It’s so cool to have a washer/dryer at home and not have to goto the laundrymat.
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