In no particular order:
- Resolution number one: obviously, will lose twenty pounds. Number two: will find nice sensible partner and not continue to form romantic attachments to alcoholics, workaholics, peeping-toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits or perverts.
- O.K enough from stealing from other people. I do need to go to the gym or do yoga or tai chi or find some kind of physical activity besides my commute to work and walking out the house with Colby to get the mail and back.
- Will beat one video game this year besides No Man’s Sky; which hopefully I’m close to getting to the end
- Continue to organize my photos and music collection
- Organize my contact list
- Complete the Goodreads reading challenge. It says that I only read six, but it did not register the three books I read on the Indonesia trip. But really, I should be able to read 12 books in a year.
- Get the aquarium/garden set up and working.
- DIY bed headboard from Ikea bookshelf
- Organize garage
- Do yard work and fix stuff around the house
- Go to sleep at a reasonable hour and not stay up on my phone or laptop.
- Take a trip to East Coast to see relative
- Take a trip to California to see friends
- Seriously look at looking for a new/2nd job closer to home
- No new books, only books to finish collections
- Reduce masturbation
- Go somewhere new once a month
- Cut back on going out to eat
- Cut down coffee to 8oz drinks
- Write letters/Send cards out to people
- Reduce buying random gifts to send to people to make yourself feel better
- Learn to love myself
- Take $600 test to find out what I should do with myself
- Continue to look for Amber Wilson
- No new pens
- Cook at home
- Blog more often; less test/quizzes/memes
Think that’s enough broken dreams and promises for the upcoming year.