Monthly Archives: July 2009

Eric’s New Bike

Eric's Bike

Where I get my organization skills from

Or the lack of organization skills I should say.  At the parents home in Seattle and using the computer in my dad’s office that is in a center of piles of papers and notes and stacks and to do lists.  Like my dad, I love making messes (?) of stuff that I should organize that never get done.  Luckily, my mom is a clean freak and I have some of that in me too, so I do get some of the stuff actually done, organized, and put away.  So there is that.

So while I am up here, couple of things I want to do.  The first is to visit some of the colleges up here and see their bookstores.  Well I was going to do that until I found out that I had no money.  Next is to start work on the GM manual or at least try to get an outline of it.  And third is to transcribe some of my old written journals onto this blog.  Because something about the past and the future something something.  Right?  Exciting vacation, I know. But at this point, I just want to relax.  And if there isn’t a pool here and if I don’t have a margarita in my hand, I guess this is the next best thing.

Post from the road

Thank god I cut my hair it is hot, like 100• hot thank god for parents bailing you out of trouble Oregon looks pretty when it isn’t at night and/or raining. Hopefully I can make it to my parents w/o any mishaps salty food is a bad idea on a trip, esp when it’s hot


So FluffySo Fluffy (1)