Daily Archives: June 20, 2009

I knew it wasn’t going to be this easy…

So the plan was to let iTunes convert all of my music while I slept and it would be ready in the morning.  Well it’s morning and iTunes is only on the letter “B” of my collection.

This is def going to take a while.  At least 26 days of awhile.

To make matters worse for me, found out that iTunes was copying the music to the wrong drive, so I have to start all over again.  Yay me!

Well at least I don’t have a life or anything, so I’ll have all the time in the world to do this when I’m not at work or anything.

Posts from the edge of my bed…

Because the keyboard is too far away and the iPhone is closer. And the phone is working pretty well from where I am sitting, on the edge of my bed listening to my roommates eat watermelon together. I think I am jealous a little bit. Or gassy, one of the two. Also jealous of facebook a bit and all of the bookstore people that are on it. Getting tempted to just join the stupid thing and to give up on the blog. Hmmm, we’ll see…