Category Archives: Quizzes / Memes

Old LiveJournal Quiz

So cleaning out my computer after updating to Windows 10 and I found this old Live journal Quiz that I put in the wrong folder eons ago.  Decided to update it and so here it is…

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Are you twins?

twinsThe #TwinsOrNotRobot will tell you if you’re right, using machine learning from Microsoft Project Oxford.

Source: Are you twins?

Political coordinates test

What’s Your Reasoning Style?

I got journalist


Most Journalists are open to new experiences and enjoy learning about others. They also have a skeptical streak that makes them difficult to trick or manipulate. Their combination of openness and skepticism make them fine judges of character. Approximately 13% of the populace are JournalistsTake this quiz to learn more about the way you think!

Source: What’s Your Reasoning Style?

Quiz: Which Lockheed Martin Aircraft Are You? · Lockheed Martin

skunk-worksYou are part of the top secret Skunk Works fleet! Like this innovation hub, you have a good sense of self, though some might say you are mysterious. You like to dabble in a lot of different projects and pursue those that will truly payoff. Among your friends, you are certainly the best at keeping secrets, making you a perfect fit for the classified aircraft in development at Skunk Works.

Source: Quiz: Which Lockheed Martin Aircraft Are You? · Lockheed Martin

Quiz: Which Disney Character are You? Part 1 | Oh My Disney

This is the big one.

You’re Mulan!

You have all the strength of a raging fire, and all the kindness of a great typhoon.


Source: Quiz: Which Disney Character are You? Part 1 | Oh My Disney

What Famous Villain Do You Turn Into When You’re Angry?

I got the wicked witch of the west

Would you say you’re more of a Scar or a Voldemort when life gets tough?

Source: What Famous Villain Do You Turn Into When You’re Angry?

My Disney doppelganger is Kuzco! Who is your Disney doppelganger?

By analyzing your Facebook profile and combining it to our Disney characters database, we can determine more or less precisely your perfect Disney doppelganger!

Source: My Disney doppelganger is Kuzco! Who is your Disney doppelganger?

How Long Will I Live Life Expectancy Calculator True Age Test

Take Test Here

Biological Age – 41

Virtual Age – 48.2

Average Life Expectancy – 75

Your Life Expectancy – 67.8

This doesn’t factor in working in a college bookstore, guaranteed to take away a few years in the looks department.

Fine, I guess I’ll stop playing out in traffic on my days off…

Which Celebrity You Look Alike?