Monthly Archives: July 2008

belated birthday gift

Autobot BuckleI am geek and nerd enough to wear this at work or even out at a club or bar. I just wish it was a Decepticon buckle instead of an Autobot one.


I am up in Seattle resting at my brother’s place. It’s an incredible place, a perfect college home with 7 rooms, pool table, hot tub, deck, video game, and pinball machine. Now if they could only get some furniture into the house, they would be set. It seems like he has some cool roommates, so hopefully it will be a good experience for him. Anyway, getting away from the bay area has relaxed me somewhat. Saw fireworks last night; was a pretty good show. Def. better than last year in the city, watching people shoot their own fireworks and guns in the mission and hunter’s point. So Dad’s birthday is tomorrow and we (my brother and I) have no idea on what to get my Dad for his birthday. The problem is that he really doesn’t do anything, esp. now that he is retired. No hobbies or anything. At this point, I’m thinking just to take him out to dinner at a nice restaurant or something. Other than that, I’m still pretty tensed and stressed out. Even now in the car, I’m still tensed up in the shoulders has I try not to think about all the stuff going on in my life. Had a thought about moving to Portland. I really don’t like Portland, although to be fair, I’ve only driven through it and haven’t actually visited the city. But Portland is close enough for me to visit the family more often. Something else to think about I guess. I just wish I could relax a bit and try to enjoy myself…