Three Pictures – Me, Myself, and I

Taken from Mariah’s Journal

Post three pictures of yourself:

One of what you THINK you look most like.
One of what you THINK others see when they look at you.
One of what you WISH you looked like when others looked at you.

What I think I look most like.
What I think I look most like – A nice looking guy, somewhat quiet looking, with an air of sadness around him.

What I think others see when they look at me.
What I think others see when they look at me – A silly, heavy looking, mentally challenged guy. This is how bad my self image is sometimes: I honestly think that I am some misfigured handicapped person, but no one will tell me the truth.

What I wished I looked like when others looked at me.
What I wished I looked like when others looked at me – Handsome, successful, confident, nice dresser. Actually the whole Tygre Boys series was in a way the way I wish I could look to the world…basically a member of a boy band. No, that’s not it. At one point I did have a dream/vision of what I wanted the world to see when they saw me. But it’s gone now, and I am having a hard enough time trying to figure out what I want to see in myself.

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