Those crazy friends of mine…

Watched L.A. Confidential; pretty good movie. Don’t know why I waited so long to see it.

Called Lesa up, and later brought Barry, Kurt, and Amber via her answering machine into the conversation. I’m still kinda confused on where we are meeting on Sat; I think that we decided to skip the lake and just get drunk at Barry’s, which is fine by me. Still having lunch with April first though.

Had to quit the phone call because 1) I really need to get the pictures up in a gallery on my site tonight and 2) I had to brush my teeth and put my whitening mouth guard in. My goal is to have teeth as bright as Dan Boule (sp?) had in high school. True story, I was at Jesse Holm’s house and we were in the dark; the only thing we could see was Dan’s teeth has he was smiling.

Amber, if you read this: Sorry for the 5min message (again), call me on my cell or at work. Will be in from 9-5. Or better yet, email me.

Hmm, was going to snap a shot of my mouth guard with the webcam, but it’s not working for some reason. Anyway, if I have a strange look on my face, like I’m sucking on a
pacifier, then that’s me whitening my teeth.

O.K. back to pictures.

[Listening to: I’ve Got So Much to Give – Barry White – All Time Greatest Hits (05:21)]

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