Shit day from yesterday continues

Shit day from yesterday continues into today. **sigh**
Tim is going to his local IBEW office today after work to find out about the electrician apprinticship. That’s the 2nd person I introduced the idea of signing up to be an electrician. I should be getting a commision or something out of this; At least free electric work. I’m still mulling over the idea myself, I would have some kind of direction in my life, at least for the next 5 years.
Poop…I’ve really been treating this journal badly; not as badly as my diet journal. Anyway, there are a shitload of topics that I should be talking about, but haven’t. Maybe tonight is the night where all of it comes out. Probably not, since I have to go grocery shopping.
Think that I need to take a double dose of codiene to make sure I goto sleep tonight. Have to remember manager’s meeting is tomorrow.
Current mood:
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