tygreyes, Greetings from LiveJournal! First

Greetings from LiveJournal!
First off, we want to thank you for being a member. We also want to
let you know that your paid membership expires on 2002-11-08.
You can renew any time: new time you purchase simply extends your
membership, so you don’t “lose” your current remaining time. You can
renew your membership immediately by visiting LiveJournal’s online
payment site at http://www.livejournal.com/paidaccounts
While there are a lot of nice LiveJournal features available only to
members that make membership worthwhile (with more “members only”
features in the works…), we think the biggest reason to renew your
membership is because you are helping to support a community that you
care about and that puts its users first.
LiveJournal prides itself on being supported and developed by the
people who use it. We are run primarily by dedicated volunteers from
around the world. We don’t want the uglier, more commercial aspects
of the Internet to intrude on things as personal as someone’s
journal. That’s why LiveJournal is banner free! That is also why we
release our software as open source. We still have to pay the bills,
however. If you want LiveJournal to be there for you, please be there
for us. We rely on our member’s support to keep us going.
As an example of how expensive it can be to run LiveJournal, there
are over 30 servers powering LiveJournal. LiveJournal also pays
thousands of dollars a month just to co-locate the servers and
pay for network access. We also regularly purchase new hardware to
improve the site’s performance and to keep up with growth.
Please take the time to visit http://www.livejournal.com/paidaccounts/
and renew your membership. There are membership levels as inexpensive
as $5 for two months, all the way up to $25 for a yearly membership.
As always, the membership dollars go to paying the day-to-day expenses
of running LiveJournal.
Finally, LiveJournal is in the best position ever to offer you everything
you could hope for! Faster service, new features, and perhaps the best
online community in the world!
We hope you realize that a LiveJournal membership is something
worth having and that LiveJournal is a cause worth supporting, but
if you’re not entirely convinced, we’d like to hear from you and find
out what it would take to convince you to renew your membership.
Please feel free to email me us at webmaster@livejournal.com and
one of the team will get back to you.
Many thanks,
LiveJournal crew
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