I am Joe’s attempt at exercise…

So Mike and I went to the gym and we spent an hour on the skiing/step machine. I actually burned enough calories to get rid of the curly fries and the minute maid soda that I had for lunch today from Jack In The Box. The Chicken Supreme Sandwich and the Chocolate Banana Shake will just have to stay for right now. **sigh** I really didn’t want to buy lunch, but I didn’t make lunch again. I guess I could have bought some cup ramen or made a PB/J sandwich, but I didn’t. And then tomorrow, I have to take the guys out to lunch…poop. I think that we are going to In-N-Out; but if we are feeling adventurous, we might head out to Marin to A&W. We’ll see.
At least I won’t have to worry about dinner tomorrow. Angie is taking me out and we are going to see The Flip Side at the new movie theather.
So tonight, I think that I am going to finish reading Kissing In Mahanttan. It kinda took a darker, more sadistic turn; but I’m hoping that it is only for one chapter.
Current mood: hopeful
Current music: P. Diddy – Diddy

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