Daily Archives: February 18, 2002

The drama with my degree

The drama with my degree application continues. Nuff Said.
Am at home now very cold. Need to turn the heat on. Also need to go poo. Think that I will turn heat on and poo
Current mood:
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Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon was in Hero at Large (1980) with Kevin McCarthy
Kevin McCarthy was in Misfits, The (1961) with Clark Gable
Kevin Bacon was in Quicksilver (1986) with Abel Fernandez
Abel Fernandez was in Harder They Fall, The (1956) with Humphrey Bogart
Kevin Bacon was in Balto (1995) with Jim (I) Carter
Jim (I) Carter was in Grotesque, The (1995) with Sting
Sting was in All Access: Front Row. Backstage. Live! (2001) with Dave (I) Matthews
Current mood: cold
Current music: Creed – Faceless Man