Daily Archives: November 26, 2001

Another damn quiz



If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Saruman, Wizard, the leader of the council of wizards.

In the movie, I am played by Christopher Lee.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Character Test

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O. K. So I skimmed

O. K. So I skimmed the papers while watching the behind the scenes of Bridget Jones. Bad Joe. Well, I’m not a commentator this week, so it’s all good. Still, I wonder if I should have gone earlier, would have given me motive to get shit done. And I could have done it shitty and gotten away with it since I was first. Now the pressure really is on. Blah, time to get to class.
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OMG….Somebody is doing their paper

OMG….Somebody is doing their paper on the same topic as mine. Not good since their’s looks a lot better than what I was even thinking of doing.
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Ok. One paper read and

Ok. One paper read and deleted scenes from Bridget Jones watched. Funny stuff
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Suppose to be reading the

Suppose to be reading the papers that are being presented tonight. Also have American Beauty playing on the DVD. Not good. American Beauty is too good a movie for me to do both. Will have to put something else on. Got Bridget Jones Diary, but you kinda have to pay attention because of the British accents.
Question? On the sleeve for the movie, Netflix list other movies that you may like. How does A knight’s Tale, Blow, or Chocolat relate to Bridget Jones Diary. They all have characters with accents?
Anyway, I have 35 pages on the 1960’s to read within an hour
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blah….three weeks of school. Current

blah….three weeks of school.
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Bad Monday

Not a good monday so far. Lots of little crap going on here. But leaving work in 30min to jump into even bigger crap. i wonder why LJ works better at work than at home. Maybe I’ll just update the journal here. It might let me get some work done at home.
Went over to Daniel and Reina’s. Daniel bought CivIII. **drool** Only 2-3 weeks left in semester. Must resist buying and installing CivIII. Everything could go up in flames.
O.K. 20 page paper will get done. Will pass all of my classes. Will get Xmas presents. Will find place to life. Positive thinking and all that stuff. Rah, Rah, Rah!!!
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