Daily Archives: November 19, 2001

Oh, it is not good for our hero…

A demon made an offer on my girlfriend tonight. He offered $50 for her, but that was so insulting for her and for myself. I mean, I’ve at least put in $200 into her this month alone. O. K. actually, only about $100 if you count the movies, 2 dinners, and a LJ renewal. But there is still the Xmas present that I was going to get at the end of the month and I know that is at least $200.
Actually, the demon was quite entertaining. And he likes me, he really likes me. I think that this might be a first, someone online actually liking me. Usually I am the bastard that should go to hell, and “how dare he…”has their hands try to slip up your thighs . I guess it takes a bastard to like and to understand the arrogance. But I should stop cause in a display of exhibition I am blushing, and I must go shampoo my crotch before I go to my Perverts of North Korea meeting…
Current mood: crazy
Current music: The voices in my head telling me that I should be working on my paper

Back from DMV hell with

Back from DMV hell with my new registration. The thing about having and old car; cheap registration. Only $50.
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What A Shit

That has got to be one of the most ornery shits that I have ever had. It was like that Adam Sandler skit with the guy in the bathroom. I must have lost some pounds…
Shitty Monday continues with me going to the DMV without an appointment to get my registration renewed. At least there is a Krispy Kreme next door.
Current mood:
Current music:

What A Shit

That has got to be one of the most ornery shits that I have ever had. It was like that Adam Sandler skit with the guy in the bathroom. I must have lost some pounds…
Shitty Monday continues with me going to the DMV without an appointment to get my registration renewed. At least there is a Krispy Kreme next door.
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My office has become a reflection of my life

It’s a jumble of different forms…But most of it isn’t even my stuff. I only have a few of my personal thing here.
Also it’s cold, even though the heat is on.
I think that I’m just delusional cause I haven’t ate yet.
The various coworkers have called in sick. What else is new.
But they left me a nice stick figure picture for the frame for my desk.
I also left my books at home. Paper is still due. Tech. it’s not due to next Monday.
But it’s already late, so I want to turn it in ASAP
I forgot to take my medicine this morning. Guess I will have to wait to the afternoon.
Parents haven’t called. Think that they are mad at me cause I’m only staying overnight for Thanksgiving.
I should call to find out.
Does the pain suppose to make you stronger or weaker? I though it was stronger, but I’m not sure.
I wonder if my life is a dark comedy, or a happy travestry (sp?)
Wait…It seems that one of my coworkers did make it.
I should go out on the cameras and make an appearance.
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