Stuff that Serraph got for me from Europe

European Crispy Chocolate
More European Chocolate
Dark Chocolate
White European Chocolate
Sexy M&M's (Damn, that Green M&M is just HOT!!!)
Church Chocolate
Tiger Chocolate
Damn, Just How Much Chocolate Did I Get?
I got other stuff besides chocolate too…
Authentic French Champagne
Hmmm....A little too small to drink the Champagne with
Mind The Gap
Indian Tiger Shirt
O. K. The last shirt, she got for me before she left Europe, but I wanted to show it off anyway.
And while I’m at it, I might as well show off my new computer that I got a month ago. Went from a 450mhz/128 RAM/8GB HD to a 1.2mhz/256 DDR RAM/ 60GB HD.
My New Computer
And here is a picture of everything on the desk with the computer, the 19″ monitor, and the scanner. The computer is under the desk right now cause it is a bit noisy for my roommate. Once I figure on how to quiet it a bit, I’ll probably put it on top of the desk, cause a pretty computer like mine should be seen by all.
My Crowded Desk
Current mood:
Current music:

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