Daily Archives: January 3, 2001

A Short Story From A Simpler Time….

The Story Of My Life
By Joe Rogers
Period 1
Row 6
Strengths And Assets
My greatest strength is probably the fact that I am a good listener. One reason my friends like me is because I am a good listener and can listen to their problems. I am also a very patient person, which helps me solves mysteries and riddles. Other assets i have are: I’m quiet; I’m a survivalist; I’m a good orator; and the fact that I am neutral on many subjects and able to accept both views of a subject. Oh, I forgot that I’m stubborn and I’m computer literate (I know several computer languages and programs).
My greatest weakness has to do with my neutrality. Unable to choose between the choices, I usually lose in something. This has coasted me in friendship, school, and love. Other weaknesses I have are: I procrastinate; I’m addicted to video games and food (esp. sweets); I’m a BIG flirt; sometimes when I speak, I think ahead and screw up words; I’m stubborn; and sometimes I say things that shouldn’t be said. Not cuss words, but things about people that are truthful, but should not be said at that time. Another weakness is that I suffer waves of depression every month. It’s my PMS.
Goals in life? Let’s see: Make a career decision; find a girlfriend, make love again, get a car, learn how to dance, find old friends, rearrange my values, and most importantly to find myself.
First and foremost, I value me. Almost everything I do is for me. Second is friends, because I’ve found out the hard way that you cannot survive without friends. Other values I value are independence, status, money, and trust.
Religion is something I value the least because it is restricting and unproven. Other values I disregard are compassion, caring, ecology, and interdependence. I am not sure about compassion and caring. In order to achieve my goal of finding a girlfriend and love, I must have these values. Yet they conflict with the value of me. On or the other must go for me to go on with my life.
(Note from teacher: So you are saying that there is no room for sharing? A friend, boy or girl, who is good and true can help you grow and develop because they help you realize things about yourself you may not have been aware of.)
My likes? Here goes: computers, games, Dungeon & Dragons, role-playing, books (all kinds), music, friends, sex, beer, alcohol, Amanda williams, Paula Abdul, Star Trek, all good singers, Geo Storm Convertable, a scoop of Baskin Robbins chocolate mousse royale, Christmas, Julie Sewald, comics, school, lunch, dessert, Ms. Aquino, Mr. Otterson, Mr. Knoth, Mrs. Gildersleeve, Mr. Waterman, Ms. Rankle, Mrs. Doorman, Ms. Zunino, T.V. comedies, Beverly Hills 90210, Parker Lewis Can’t Lose, Chessking, Macy’s, cooking, sleeping, dreaming, drafting, and anything else I forgot.
Top 10 Dislikes List:
10 – Fruits like pears, peaches, cherries, and strawberries; these must be some of the worst things I hate.
9 – Vegetables: As much as I hate fruit, I rather eat fruits than vegetables.
8 – Needles are one of the reasons they had to put me out to give me my TB shot.
7 – Drinking is fun; unfortunately the hangovers later aren’t that much fun.
6 – The feeling your inner organs rushing up and burning your wind pipe, otherwise known as throwing-up, is one of my worst dislikes
5 – Me: I dislike the fact that my life is HELL!!!
4 – Religion: I’m in the process of trying to place myself in either the agnostic or atheist category (I officially gave up looking for God last month in a fiery fight with my dad). Even if I did find God, I would not go to him.
3 – Vacaville High School has got to be one of the worst high schools I have ever been to. Cold and hot rooms; incompetent teachers, ignorant counselors and administrators, and lousy food.
2 – Vacaville (the city) is the city of hell for me. It contradicts the big cityness that I need. I would say more, but I am saving up for the #1 dislike which is….
1 – The Vacaville High School student population. I especially hate the fucking racist cheerleaders and preppy people who think they are gods or something. These people mixed in with the true fucking, red neck, racist assholes, cowboy/farmers KKK members who need to wake up. I’m use to this (racism) because I got this in Korea where I used to live. And when I moved to the Bay, of course there was racism there. My school had a riot because of it. But most of it was subtle and people tolerated others. Here, I’m just waiting for the KKK assholes to bring the burning cross to my house. This school population (well, most of it anyway) has caused me most of my HELL, but I cover it up, and even pretend to be friends with the fucking bigots.
Pet Peeve
My only pet peeves are stupid commercials, taping on a desk with a pencil or pen, and Aaron Tamberello and people like him (always talking and smiling). It’s sickening.
(Note from teacher: Would you rather have people be distant and gloomy?)
Unfortunately, I have few of these. Asking Julie Sewald to the Jr. Prom. Asking Casey Clark to the Valentine’s Day Dance, Getting a Job, making love kinda (It’s a long story), and being popular are all the accomplishments I can think of. Not too much.
Who I Admire?
This is a tough one. Logic would dictate that I would admire no one (My neutrality) because I would want to be neutral. (Note from teacher: Why?) But I’m the exact opposite. I adore almost everyone or something or another. At Vacaville High School, I guess Tim Wylie, Paul Ventura, and Aaron Tamberello. I would admire them the most because they radiate success and control. Kind of the opposite for me. But like I said, I admire everybody for different reasons. Whether they sing, dance, or burp good, I admire them.
Ms. Wong, as I sat looking through my books and magazines for illustrations to cut out, I found out that I couldn’t. First of all, my book collection and magazine collection is extensive. I’ve started collecting since Korea. And to tear or cut something out would be sacrilegious. Second, this would be out of line with me. In order for me to survive in high school with few options, I must be different. And finally, if you had any friends of mine, they probably couldn’t find anything to describe me (Note from teacher: I disagree).
Your faithful student,
Joe Rogers
(Note from Teacher: Joe, you are unique. Within you is a person who is growing, developing, and becoming. Enjoy your journey. I appreciate the time and effort that you put into this assignment despite the fact you didn’t use illustrations. 20/20)
gawd, talk about teenage angst…
Current mood: contemplative
Current music: Olive – You’re Not Alone

From The CD Jacket of Urban Hymns by The Verve

I Talked To God
In A Phonebox
On My Way Home
I Told You My Answer
I Left You My Dreams
On Your Answer Machine
But I’m A Million Different People
From One Day To The Next
Yes There’s Love If You Want It
Don’t Sound Like No Sonnet
My Lord, My Love
The World Don’t Stop
Their Ain’t No Time For Cracking Up
Believe Me Friend
Happiness More Or Less
It’s Just A Change In Me
Something In My Liberty
Here We Are The Rolling People
Can’t Stay For Long, We Gotta Go
There Ain’t No Space And Time
To Keep Our Love Alive
We Have Existence
But That’s All We Share
Yes I’m Coming Down
Your Beauty Is A Colour
Surround Into The Half Light
Another Velvet Morning For Me
Tie Yourself To The Mast My Friend
And The Storm Will End
If Heaven Calls
I’m Coming Too
Just Like You Said
You Leave My Life
I’m Better Off Dead
Rise Straight To The Light
In Or Out Of Time
No Time For Sad Lament
A Wasted Life Is Bitter Spent
Child Within Has Healing Ways
It Sees Me Through My Darkest Days
Keep Catching The Butterfly
In That Dream Of Mine
In A Neon Wilderness
He Was Restless
Escape Loneliness
For A New Address
Current mood: blank
Current music: P.M. Dawn – Sometimes I Miss You So Much

Taurus Horoscope (by astronet.com) Exciting

Horoscope (by astronet.com)
Exciting events await you in your social sphere and public life. You can join friends and partners to set in motion some powerful financial opportunities. Make an investment in a situation that will benefit all concerned. If your motivation is for the welfare of everyone, you can’t lose. You may have hit the jackpot with an expression of your talent, or your commitment to an entertainment project that is sure to win
Current mood:
Current music:

I’m at work and my

I’m at work and my underwear is killing me. It’s these white tiger undewear that feel soft and fuzzy. The thing is that they are trying to twist around AND they are riding up my ass. **sigh** Two hours and then I can go home and change
Current mood:
Current music:

and then he noticed a strange, yet familiar presence….

**sigh** Not that I mind, and not that I made a major change of address or anything, but I honestly did think that I would have a week. Oh well, I guess I do need someone to check in on me from time to time to make sure I’m doing O.K. Anyway, I’ll be up in Vacaville on the 12th to get my Office CD.
Current mood: impressed
Current music: Listening to Janet Jackson – Someday Is Tonight in my head

From the Book of the Angelica….

…and it was pefect. And we loved each other each time a new city celebrated the new year. And when it was finally our turn, when the new year reached us, I remembere being embarassed and proud as you leaned out your window and yelled to the world ‘I love Suzanne Larson.’ And I honestly though you did. And I honestly thought you would keep your promise. And I honestly thought we were where we belonged. Together. And I thought we would stay that way.
Current mood: calm
Current music: Phantom of the Opera – All I Ask of You

Think of me, think of

Think of me,
think of me fondly,
when we’ve said
Remember me
once in a while –
please promise me
you’ll try
When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free –
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me…
We never said
our love
was evergreen
or as unchanging
as the sea –
but if
you can still
stop and think
of me…
Think of all the things
we’ve shared and seen –
don’t think about the things
which might have been…
Think of me,
think of me waking,
silent and
Imagine me,
trying too hard
to put you from my mind.
Recall those days
look back
on all those times,
think of the things
we’ll never do –
there will
never be
a day, when
I won’t think
of you…
We never said
our love
was evergreen
or as unchanging
as the sea –
but please
promise me,
that sometimes,
you will think
of me!
Current mood: tired
Current music: Watching La Femme Nikita on USA

I love watching La Femme Nikita….

I sometimes wish that I could be has cold has some of the characters are. But I have too much…passion? soul? respect for life? Something is there that keeps me from reaching that state.
Current mood: tired
Current music: Watching La Femme Nikita on USA

Just Finished watching Swingers….

with Randy and Quetzal. Quetzal still can’t have a conversation with me; he only talks to randy, even if I’m in the room with him. Oh well, two weeks and then this nightmare is over. Anyway, watching the movie and a question was brought up in the movie. Basicly the line was that you only think about the stuff that you don’t have and the stuff that you want; what about thinking about the stuff that you already have. Something like that. So what do I have:
I have friends that care about me.
I have an ex-girlfriend that is crazy mad in love with me and sees things in me that I can’t.
I have parents that love me madly.
I have a car that still runs and gets good gas mileage.
I have a good job with a great boss and good coworkers where I can basicly make my own schedule and duties.
I have a place to live in
I have clothes to wear
I have food to eat.
I have a computer to use for my entertainment.
But none of these things mean anything to me. The the thing that I don’t have is happiness. And without that, there is no point to anything else.
Current mood: tired
Current music: New Edition – Can You Stand The Rain